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簡單易用的iPhone/iPod/iPad 閱讀程序.




本頁顯示相關的AppStore iPhone/iPod 應用程序iPad 應用程序 (名字含有 'HD') 列表.
  1. 點擊圖標或應用程序名稱會到AppStore 中顯示詳細應用程序信息.
  2. 點擊 ⇈ 到最頁面上方,點擊 ⇊ 到頁面最下方.

圣经(Bible in Chinese)

  • 程序具有独创的章节快速数字输入定位和数字拨盘定位便于快速查找阅读圣经.
  • 任意调整圣经显示的字体,字体大小,字体颜色,显示背景颜色.
  • 具有显示历史前进/后退功能.
圣经(天主教)(简体) for iPad.
	This application contains catholic bible in Simplified Chinese.

聖經(天主教)(繁體) for iPad
	This application contains catholic bible in traditional Chinese.

圣经(天主教)(简体)(中文/English/中英对照) for iPad.
	Application contains simplified Chinese and English Catholic Holy Bibles(Bible has 73 books).
	可自由选择中英对照, 繁体中文或英文圣经(3 books)阅读.

聖經(天主教)(繁體中英對照) for iPad.
	Application contains simplified Chinese and English Catholic Holy Bibles(Bible has 73 books).
	可自由選擇中英對照, 繁體中文或英文聖經(3 books)閱讀.

圣经(和合本)(简体中英对照) for iPad.
	Application contains Simplified Chinese bible and English bible for reference reading.
	可自由选择中英对照, 繁体中文或英文圣经阅读 (3 books).

聖經(和合本)(繁體中英對照)for iPad.
	Application contains traditional Chinese bible and English bible for reference reading.
	可自由選擇中英對照, 繁體中文或英文聖經閱讀 (3 books).

程序包含最常用的中文和合本聖經简体和繁体共2本书 for iPad.
Including Chinese union bible in Simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese.
中文圣经播放与同步阅读程序 for iPad
程序含有全部的和合本圣经简体文本与真人发声语音资料, 可在不联网的情况下使用. 由于包含语音资料, 程序较大, 请在安装时给予一些耐心. 程序支持语音与圣经章节文本的同步显示. 在停止语音播放时则可作为圣经阅读器使用.

中文聖經播放與同步閱讀程序 for iPad
程序含有全部的和合本聖經繁體文本與真人發聲語音資料, 可在不聯網的情況下使用. 由於包含語音資料, 程序較大, 請在安裝時給予一些耐心. 程序支持語音與聖經章節文本的同步顯示. 在停止語音播放時則可作為聖經閱讀器使用.

程序包含最常用的中文和合本圣经简体 for iPad.
Including Chinese union bible in Simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese.
程序包含最常用的中文和合本聖經繁體for iPad.
Including Chinese union bible in Simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese.
圣经(简体 粤语朗读)(Cantonese)HD
圣经(简体 粤语朗读)(Cantonese) for iPad.
	Including Chinese union bible in Simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese.
	本程序包含中文和合本圣经文本与粤语(广东话)朗读. 真人朗读发声. 文字与声音同步显示. 
	既可聆听,也可阅读圣经, 是同时学习圣经与粤语的最好工具.
聖經(繁體 粵語朗讀)(Cantonese)HD
聖經(繁體 粵語朗讀)(Cantonese) for iPad
	Including Chinese union bible in traditional Chinese.
	本程序包含中文和合本聖經文本與粵語(廣東話)朗讀. 真人朗讀發聲. 文字與聲音同步顯示. 
	既可聆聽,也可閱讀聖經, 是同時學習聖經與粵語的最好工具.
This application contains the Chinese Union Bible audio book and text reader.


程序含有全部的和合本圣经文本与语音资料, 可在不联网的情况下使用. 由于包含语音资料, 程序较大, 请在安装时给予一些耐心. 程序支持语音与圣经章节文本的同步显示. 在停止语音播放时则可作为圣经阅读器使用.

Chinese Union Bible text and Audio (中文和合本聖經播放與閱讀程序.)
This application contains traditional Chinese Union bible book and audio.

程序含有全部的和合本聖經文本與語音資料, 可在不聯網的情況下使用. 由於包含語音資料, 程序較大, 請在安裝時給予一些耐心. 程序支持語音與聖經章節文本的同步顯示. 在停止語音播放時則可作為聖經閱讀器使用.
	This application contains catholic bible in simplified Chinese.
聖經(天主教)(繁體) (含有73本书)

	Application contains simplified Chinese and English Catholic Holy Bibles(Bible has 73 books).
	可自由选择中英对照, 繁体中文或英文圣经(3 books)阅读.
	Application contains traditional Chinese and English Catholic Holy Bibles(Bible has 73 books).
	可自由選擇中英對照, 繁體中文或英文聖經閱讀(3 books).

	Application contains Simplified Chinese bible and English bible for reference reading.
	可自由选择中英对照, 繁体中文或英文圣经阅读.
	Application contains traditional Chinese bible and English bible for reference reading.
	可自由選擇中英對照, 繁體中文或英文聖經閱讀(3 books).

圣经 (简体 和合本 真人朗读发声)(Cantonese)(粤语)
圣经 (简体 和合本)(粤语)(Cantonese bible). Including Chinese union bible  text and cantonese audio.
	本程序包含中文和合本圣经文本与粤语(广东话)朗读. 真人朗读发声. 文字与声音同步显示. 
	既可聆听,也可阅读圣经, 是同时学习圣经与粤语的最好工具.
聖經 (繁體 和合本 真人朗讀發聲)(Cantonese)(粵語)
聖經 (繁體 和合本)(粵語)(Cantonese bible). Including Chinese union bible  text and cantonese audio.
	本程序包含中文和合本聖經文本與粵語(廣東話)朗讀. 真人朗讀發聲. 文字與聲音同步顯示. 
	既可聆聽,也可閱讀聖經, 是同時學習聖經與粵語的最好工具.
	This application contains New Chinese Version Holy bible in simplified Chinese.

Children related

Children's classic books HD
Children's classic books for iPad. Including following books (38 books):
	*Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain - 1884
	*The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain - 1876
	*Aesop's Fables - (Translation) - 1484
	*Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll - 1865
	*Anne of Green Gables - Lucy Maud Montgomery - 1908
	*Arabian Nights or One Thousand and One Nights
	*At the Back of the North Wind - George MacDonald - 1871
	*Black Beauty - Anna Sewell - 1877
	*The Blue Fairy Book - Andrew Lang - 1889
	*The Call of the Wild - Jack London - 1903
	*The Children of the New Forest - Frederick Marryat - 1847
	*The Coral Island - R. M. Ballantyne - 1857
	*David Copperfield - Charles Dickens - 1850
	*Fairy Tales - Hans Christian Andersen - 1846 
	*Five Children and It - E. Nesbit - 1902
	*Grimm's Fairy Tales - Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm - 1823 
	*Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift - 1726
	*Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates - Mary Mapes Dodge - 1865
	*The Happy Prince and Other Tales - Oscar Wilde - 1888
	*Heidi - Johanna Spyri - 1884 
	*Ivanhoe - Walter Scott - 1819
	*A Journey to the Center of the Earth - Jules Verne - 1864
	*Kidnapped - Robert Louis Stevenson - 1886
	*Little Women - Louisa May Alcott - 1868
	*The Lost World - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - 1912
	*The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood - Howard Pyle - 1883
	*Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie - 1904
	*Pinocchio - Carlo Collodi - 1891 
	*The Princess and the Goblin - George MacDonald - 1871
	*The Railway Children - E. Nesbit - 1906
	*Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe - 1719
	*The Story of the Treasure Seekers - E. Nesbit - 1899
	*The Tale of Peter Rabbit and other tales - Beatrix Potter - 1902
	*The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas, père - 1844
	*Through the Looking-Glass - Lewis Carroll - 1871
	*Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson - 1883
	*Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea - Jules Verne - 1870
	*White Fang - Jack London - 1906
Children's classic books
Children's classic books. Including following books (38 books now, More will be added in future updates):
	*Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain - 1884
	*The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain - 1876
	*Aesop's Fables - (Translation) - 1484
	*Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll - 1865
	*Anne of Green Gables - Lucy Maud Montgomery - 1908
	*Arabian Nights or One Thousand and One Nights
	*At the Back of the North Wind - George MacDonald - 1871
	*Black Beauty - Anna Sewell - 1877
	*The Blue Fairy Book - Andrew Lang - 1889
	*The Call of the Wild - Jack London - 1903
	*The Children of the New Forest - Frederick Marryat - 1847
	*The Coral Island - R. M. Ballantyne - 1857
	*David Copperfield - Charles Dickens - 1850
	*Fairy Tales - Hans Christian Andersen - 1846 
	*Five Children and It - E. Nesbit - 1902
	*Grimm's Fairy Tales - Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm - 1823 
	*Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift - 1726
	*Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates - Mary Mapes Dodge - 1865
	*The Happy Prince and Other Tales - Oscar Wilde - 1888
	*Heidi - Johanna Spyri - 1884 
	*Ivanhoe - Walter Scott - 1819
	*A Journey to the Center of the Earth - Jules Verne - 1864
	*Kidnapped - Robert Louis Stevenson - 1886
	*Little Women - Louisa May Alcott - 1868
	*The Lost World - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - 1912
	*The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood - Howard Pyle - 1883
	*Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie - 1904
	*Pinocchio - Carlo Collodi - 1891 
	*The Princess and the Goblin - George MacDonald - 1871
	*The Railway Children - E. Nesbit - 1906
	*Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe - 1719
	*The Story of the Treasure Seekers - E. Nesbit - 1899
	*The Tale of Peter Rabbit and other tales - Beatrix Potter - 1902
	*The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas, père - 1844
	*Through the Looking-Glass - Lewis Carroll - 1871
	*Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson - 1883
	*Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea - Jules Verne - 1870
	*White Fang - Jack London - 1906
Tales and Fables for Children(800+)lite
Tales and Fables for Children(800+)
	The app contains over 800 classic tales, fables collected from Andersen's fairy tales(133), Grimm's fairy tales(210), Aesop's fables (239), Arabian nights(221),tales from Shakespeare.
Colored fairy books by Andrew Lang(12 books)lite
Andrew Lang's Colored Fairy Book.Andrew Lang is best known as one of the most important collectors  of folk  and fairy tales.
   The app Contains 12 books:
    * The Blue Fairy Book (1889)
    * The Red Fairy Book (1890) 
    * The Green Fairy Book (1892)
    * The Yellow Fairy Book (1894)
    * The Pink Fairy Book (1897) 
    * The Grey Fairy Book (1900) 
    * The Violet Fairy Book (1901)
    * The Crimson Fairy Book (1903)
    * The Brown Fairy Book (1904)
    * The Orange Fairy Book (1906)
    * The Olive Fairy Book (1907) 
    * The Lilac Fairy Book (1910)
   The lite version could only some chapters before upgrade. After simple In app upgrade, all chapters will be available.


Politics and Economics Books Library(lite)
Politics and Economics Books Library. Contains 30 books:
   * Politics by Aristotle
   * Art of War (by Sun Tzu)
   * The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine
   * Common Sense by Thomas Paine
   * The Rights of Man by Thomas Paine
   * The American Crisis by Thomas Paine
   * The Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karll Marx
   * Leviathan, or the Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil
   * The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli
   * The Art of War by Niccolò Machiavelli
   * Laws by Plato
   * Phaedrus by Plato
   * The Republic by Plato
   * Symposium by Plato
   * The Second Treatise on Civil Government by John Locke
   * The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
   * Confessions by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
   * The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
   * Enquiry concerning Political Justice, and its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness
   * An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke
   * A Letter Concerning Toleration by John Locke
   * On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
   * Erewhon or Over the Range by Samuel Butler
   * Autobiography by John Stuart Mill
   * On Liberty by John Stuart Mill
   * The Principle of Political Economy by John Stuart Mill
   * Representive Government by John Stuart Mill
   * Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill
   * The Subjection of Women by John Stuart Mill
   * The United States Constitution
  Lite version could only use first several chapters before upgrade.
Jules Verne French Collection(HD)
Jules Verne French Collection in French for iPad
   Cette application contient 12 livres de Jules Verne:
   Les Aventures du Capitaine Hatteras
   Le Château des Carpathes
   Les Cinq Cents Millions de la Bégum
   Cinq Semaines En Ballon
   Les Indes Noires
   Kéreban le Tétu
   De La Terre a La Lune 
   Michel Strogoff: Moscou-Irkutsk
   Le Tour du Mond en Quatre-vingts Jours
   Voyage au Centre de la Terre
   Vingt Mille Lieues sous les Mers
Jules Verne Collection (16 books)HD
Jules Verne Collection in English for iPad. Application contains 16 books of Jules Verne:
   "Around the World in 80 Days"
   "In Search of the Castaways"
   "Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon"
   "From the Earth to the Moon"
   "The Fur Country"
   "Five Weeks in a Balloon"
   "Journey to the Interior of the Earth"
   "The Mysterious Island"
   "The Master of the World"
   "Off on a Comet"
   "Robur the Conqueror"
   "Round the Moon"
   "The Survivors of the Chancellor"
   "Michael Strogoff"
   "Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea"
   "The Underground City"
Art of War (by Sun Tzu) with Audio
Art of War (by Sun Tzu)
	Text synchronized audio book. Read the book and listen to the audio.
Tao te ching (by Lao tzu)(Book and Audio)
Tao te ching (by Lao tzu)(Book and Audio)
	Text and audio synchronized audio book application.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo Collection
Emerson, Ralph Waldo Collection. Including:

    * Nature [1836] 
    * The American Scholar [1837] 
    * An Address delivered before the Senior Class in Divinity College, Cambridge, Sunday Evening, July 15, 1838 
    * The Transcendentalist [1841] 
    * English Traits [1856] 
    * Essays: First and Second Series (1841/1844) 
    * Nature, Addresses, Lectures 
    * Representative Men [1850]
    * The Conduct of Life [1860]
    * Uncollected Prose
Stendhal Collection (English)
Stendhal Collection (English). Including:

    * Armance / translated by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff [1827] 
    * The Red and the Black / translated by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff [1830]
    * The Charterhouse of Parma / translated by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff [1839] 
    * Vanina Vanini / translated by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff [1829] 
    * The Abbess of Castro / translated by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff [1832] 
    * The Cenci / translated by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff [1832] 
    * The Duchess of Palliano / translated by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff [1832]
    * Vittoria Accoramboni / translated by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff [1837]
Thomas Hardy Collection
Thomas Hardy Collection. Including:
    * Under the Greenwood Tree, or The Mellstock Quire (1872) 
    * A Pair of Blue Eyes (1872–73) 
    * Far From the Madding Crowd (1874)
    * Hand of Ethelberta (1876)
    * Return of the Native (1878)
    * Two on a Tower (1882)
    * The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid (1883)
    * The Mayor of Casterbridge (1884–85)
    * The Woodlanders (1886–87) 
    * Tess of the D’Urberville’s (1891)
    * Jude the Obscure (1895)
Short story collections
    * Wessex Tales (1888)
      Contents: An Imaginative Woman — The Three Strangers — The Withered Arm — Fellow-Townsmen — Interlopers at the Knap — The Distracted Preacher
    * A Few Crusted Characters (1891) 
    * The Fiddler of the Reels (1893) 
    * Life’s Little Ironies (1894) 
      Contents: The Son's Veto — For Conscience' Sake — A Tragedy of Two Ambitions — On the Western Circuit — To Please his Wife — The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion — A Tradition of Eighteen Hundred and Four — A Few Crusted Characters
    * A Changed Man and Other Tales (1913) 
      Contents: Prefatory Note — A Changed Man — The Waiting Supper — Alicia's Diary — The Grave by the Handpost — Enter a Dragoon — A Tryst at an Ancient Earthwork — What the Shepherd Saw — A Committee Man of 'The Terror' — Master John Horseleigh, Knight — The Duke's Reappearance — A Mere Interlude — The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid. 
Lewis Carroll Collection (4 books)
Lewis Carroll Collection. Including:

    * Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland / illustrated by Sir John Tenniel [1865] 
    * Through the Looking Glass [1872] 
    * The Hunting of the Snark [1876] 
    * A Tangled Tale [1885]
Theodore Dreiser collection
Theodore Dreiser collection. Including:

	* Sister Carrie [1900] 
	* Jennie Gerhardt [1911]
	* The Financier [1912] 
	* The Titan [1914]
	* An American Tragedy [1925]
Nathaniel Hawthorne collection
Nathaniel Hawthorne collection. Including:

    * A Study of Hawthorne, by G. P. Lathrop [1876]
    * Hawthorne, by Henry James [1879] 
    * The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by Frank Preston Stearns [1906]
    * Fanshawe [published anonymously, 1826]
    * The Scarlet Letter [1850]
    * The House of the Seven Gables [1851] 
    * The Blithedale Romance [1852]
    * The Marble Faun; or, The Romance of Monte Beni [1860] 
      [published in England under the title of “Transformation”]
    * Doctor Grimshawe’s Secret : a Romance ; with preface and notes by Julian Hawthorne [1882] 

#Short Stories
    * Twice–Told Tales [1st Series, 1837, 2nd Series, 1842]
    * Mosses from an Old Manse, and other stories [1846] 
    * The Snow Image and other stories [1851] 
    * Tales of the White Hills, Legends of New England, Legends of the Province House [1877, contain tales which had already been printed in book form in “Twice–Told Tales” and the “Mosses”]
    * Life of Franklin Pierce [1852]
Robert Louis Stevenson collection
Robert Louis Stevenson collection. Including:

    * Robert Louis Stevenson, by E. Blantyre Simpson 
    * Robert Louis Stevenson: a memorial, by A. H. Japp 
    * Robert Louis Stevenson, by Walter Raleigh 
   # Travel
          o Essays of Travel 
          o An Inland Voyage (1878) 
          o Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes (1879) 
          o The Amateur Emigrant (1879)
          o Across the Plains (1879) 
          o The Silverado Squatters (1883)
          o The Sea Fogs
          o A Footnote to History: Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa (1892)
          o In the South Seas (1896) 
   # Romances
          o Treasure Island (1882) 
          o Prince Otto (1885) 
          o Kidnapped (1886) 
          o Catriona (1892) 
          o The Master of Ballantrae (1888) 
          o The Black Arrow (1888) 
          o St Ives (1894) 
          o Weir of Hermiston (1896) 
   # Tales and Fantasies
          o The Story of a Lie (1879) 
          o New Arabian Nights (1878-80) 
          o The Dynamiter, with Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson (1883) 
          o The Merry Men, and other tales and fables (1878-1885) 
            The Merry Men — Will O' the Mill — Markheim — Thrawn Janet — Olalla — The Treasure of Franchard
          o The Body-Snatcher (1885)
          o The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) 
          o The Misadventures of John Nicholson (1887) 
          o The Wrong Box, with Lloyd Osbourne (1889) 
          o Fables (1896) 
   # South Seas Tales
          o Island Nights' Entertainment (1891-3)
            The Beach of Falesa — The Bottle Imp — The Isle of Voices
          o The Wrecker, with Lloyd Osbourne (1892) 
          o The Ebb-Tide, with Lloyd Osbourne (1894) 
   # Poetry
          o A Child's Garden of Verses 
          o Moral Emblems 
   # Essays, Letters
          o Collected Essays
          o The Art of Writing 
          o Familiar Studies of Men & Books 
          o Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson
          o Vailima Letters 
          o Virginibus Puerisque (1881) 
          o Edinburgh Picturesque Notes 
          o Memories and Portraits (1887)
          o Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin (1887)
          o Lay Morals and other papers (1911)
          o Records of a Family of Engineers
Alexandre Dumas père books collection(french language)(Français)
Alexandre Dumas père books collection(french language)(Français), Including:
   * Acté (French)
   * Bric-à-brac (French)
   * Le Capitaine Aréna — Tome 1 (French)
   * Le Capitaine Aréna — Tome 2 (French)
   * Le capitaine Pamphile (French)
   * Le capitaine Paul (French)
   * Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge (French)
   * Le chevalier d'Harmental (French)
   * Le Collier de la Reine, Tome I (French)
   * Le Collier de la Reine, Tome II (French)
   * Les compagnons de Jéhu (French)
   * Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome I (French)
   * Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome II (French)
   * Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome III (French)
   * Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome IV (French)
   * Le corricolo (French)
   * Création et rédemption Deuxième partie: La fille du marquis (French)
   * La dame de Monsoreau — ­Tome 1. (French)
   * La dame de Monsoreau — Tome 2. (French)
   * La dame de Monsoreau — Tome 3. (French)
   * La femme au collier de velours (French)
   * Georges (French)
   * Henri III et sa Cour (French)
   * Histoire d'un casse-noisette (French)
   * Les mille et un fantomes (French)
   * Les Quarante-Cinq — Tome 1 (French)
   * Les Quarante-Cinq — Tome 2 (French)
   * Les Quarante-Cinq — Tome 3 (French)
   * La reine Margot - Tome I (French)
   * La reine Margot - Tome II (French)
   * La San-Felice, Tome I (French)
   * La San-Felice, Tome II (French)
   * La San-Felice, Tome III (French)
   * La San-Felice, Tome IV (French)
   * La San-Felice, Tome V (French)
   * La San-Felice, Tome VI (French)
   * La San-Felice, Tome 8 (French)
   * La San-Felice, v. 9 (French)
   * Le Speronare (French)
   * Les trois mousquetaires (French)
   * La tulipe noire (French)
   * Le vicomte de Bragelonne, Tome I. (French)
   * Le vicomte de Bragelonne, Tome II. (French)
   * Le vicomte de Bragelonne, Tome III. (French)
   * Le vicomte de Bragelonne, Tome IV. (French)
   * Vingt ans après (French)
Alexandre Dumas, père collection(in English)
Alexandre Dumas, père collection(English translation). Including:
    * The "D'Artagnan" Romances:
          o The Three Musketeers [1844] 
          o Twenty Years After [1845] 
          o The Vicomte de Bragelonne (1848-1850) 
          o Ten Years Later 
          o Louise de la Valliere 
          o The Man in the Iron Mask 
    * Chicot the Jester 
    * The Companions of Jehu 
    * The Count of Monte Cristo [1844] 
    * The Black Tulip [1850] 
    * Celebrated crimes, complete, including:
     o The Borgias
     o The Cenci
     o Massacres Of The South
     o Mary Stuart
     o Karl-Ludwig Sand
     o Urbain Grandier
     o Nisida
     o Derues
     o La Constantin
     o Joan Of Naples
     o The Man In The Iron Mask (The Essay, Not The Novel)
     o Martin Guerre
     o Ali Pacha
     o The Countess De Saint Geran
     o Murat
     o The Marquise De Brinvilliers
     o Vaninka
     o The Marquise De Ganges
    * The Count of Monte Cristo
    * The Conspirators The Chevalier d'Harmental
    * The Forty-Five Guardsmen
    * International Short Stories: French(as Contributor)
    * The Queen's Necklace
    * The Regent's Daughter
Voltaire books collection(English)
Voltaire books collection (English). Including:
    * Candide 
    * The Fourth Book of Virgil's Aeneid and the Ninth Book of Voltaire's Henriad 
    * International Short Stories: French  (as Contributor)
    * Letters on England 
    * Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories  (as Contributor)
    * Superstition In All Ages (1732) Common Sense  (as Commentator)
    * Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary 
    * Zadig Or, The Book of Fate
Voltaire (collecte de livres)(Français)
This application contains Voltaire's book in Français.
        Voltaire (collecte de livres)(Français). y compris:
    * Abrégé de l'Histoire Universelle depuis Charlemagne jusques à Charlequint (Tome Premier) 
    * Le Blanc Et Le Noir 
    * Correspondance de Voltaire avec le roi de Prusse 
    * Jeannot Et Colin 
    * Le Monde Comme Il Va, Vision De Babouc 
    * La mort de César Tragédie en trois actes - avec les changemens fait par le citoyen Gohier ministre de la justice 
    * Romans — Volume 1: Zadig 
    * Romans — Volume 2: Memnon 
    * Romans — Volume 3: Micromegas 
    * Romans — Volume 4: Candide 
    * Romans — Volume 5: L'Ingenue 
    * Romans — Volume 6: Histoire Des Voyages De Scarmentado 
    * Vie De Molière
Hugo, Victor,collecte de livres(Français)
This application contains Victor Hugo's books collection in French.
        Hugo, Victor,collecte de livres(Français). y compris:
    * Actes et Paroles, Volume 1 (French)
    * Actes et Paroles, Volume 2 Pendant l'exil 1852-1870 (French)
    * Actes et Paroles, Volume 3 (French)
    * Actes et Paroles, Volume 4 Depuis l'Exil 1876-1885 (French)
    * Le Dernier Jour d'un Condamné (French)
    * La Esmeralda (French)
    * Han d'Islande (French)
    * Hernani (French)
    * L'homme Qui Rit (French)
    * La Légende des Siècles (French)
    * Littérature et Philosophie mêlées (French)
    * Les misérables Tome I Fantine (French)
    * Les misérables Tome II Cosette (French)
    * Les misérables Tome III Marius (French)
    * Les misérables Tome IV L'idylle rue Plumet et l'épopée rue Saint-Denis (French)
    * Les misérables Tome V Jean Valjean (French)
    * Napoléon Le Petit (French)
    * Notre-Dame de Paris (French)
    * Quatrevingt-Treize (French)
    * Le Roi s'amuse (French)
Victor Hugo(books collection)(English)
This application contains victor Hugo's books in English.
        Victor Hugo(books collection)(English). Including:
    * The History of a Crime The Testimony of an Eye-Witness (English)
    * International Short Stories: French (English) (as Contributor)
    * La Légende des Siècles (English)
    * The Man Who Laughs (English)
    * The Memoirs of Victor Hugo (English)
    * Les Misérables (English)
    * Napoleon the Little (English)
    * Notre-Dame De Paris (English)
    * Poems (English)
    * Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations (English) (as Contributor)
Jack London Collection(English)
Jack London Collection. Including:
	* The Acorn-Planter A California Forest Play (1916) 
	* Adventure 
	* Before Adam 
	* Brown Wolf and Other Jack London Stories Chosen and Edited By Franklin K. Mathiews 
	* Burning Daylight 
	* Burning Daylight 
	* The Call of the Wild 
	* Children of the Frost 
	* A Collection of Stories 
	* The Cruise of the Dazzler 
	* The Cruise of the Snark 
	* A Daughter of the Snows 
	* Dutch Courage and Other Stories 
	* The Faith of Men 
	* The Game 
	* The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke 
	* The House of Mapuhi 
	* The House of Pride, and Other Tales of Hawaii 
	* The Iron Heel 
	* The Jacket (Star-Rover) 
	* Jerry of the Islands 
	* John Barleycorn 
	* The Little Lady of the Big House 
	* Lost Face 
	* Love of Life and Other Stories 
	* Martin Eden 
	* Michael, Brother of Jerry 
	* Moon-Face 
	* The Mutiny of the Elsinore 
	* The Night-Born 
	* On the Makaloa Mat 
	* The People of the Abyss 
	* The Red One 
	* Revolution, and Other Essays 
	* The Road 
	* The Scarlet Plague 
	* The Sea Wolf 
	* Smoke Bellew 
	* A Son Of The Sun 
	* The Son of the Wolf 
	* South Sea Tales 
	* Stories of Ships and the Sea Little Blue Book #1169 
	* The Strength of the Strong 
	* Tales of the Fish Patrol 
	* Theft	A Play In Four Acts 
	* The Turtles of Tasman 
	* The Valley of the Moon 
	* War of the Classes 
	* When God Laughs: and other stories 
	* White Fang
Lucy Maud Montgomery collection
Lucy Maud Montgomery collection. including:
	* Anne of Avonlea
	* Anne of Green Gables
	* Anne of the Island
	* Anne's House of Dreams
	* Chronicles of Avonlea
	* Further Chronicles of Avonlea
	* The Golden Road
	* Kilmeny of the Orchard
	* Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1896 to 1901
	* Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1902 to 1903
	* Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1904
	* Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1905 to 1906
	* Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1907 to 1908
	* Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1909 to 1922
	* Rainbow Valley
	* Rilla of Ingleside
	* The Story Girl
George MacDonald collection
George MacDonald collection. Including:
	* Adela Cathcart, Volume 1 
	* Adela Cathcart, Volume 2 
	* Adela Cathcart, Volume 3 
	* Alec Forbes of Howglen 
	* Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood 
	* At the Back of the North Wind 
	* At the Back of the North Wind (Simplified for Children)
	* A Book of Strife in the Form of The Diary of an Old Soul 
	* Cross Purposes and The Shadows 
	* David Elginbrod 
	* A Dish of Orts : Chiefly Papers on the Imagination, and on Shakespeare 
	* Donal Grant, by George MacDonald 
	* A Double Story 
	* The Elect Lady 
	* England's Antiphon 
	* Far Above Rubies 
	* The Flight of the Shadow 
	* Gutta-Percha Willie 
	* Heather and Snow 
	* A Hidden Life and Other Poems 
	* Home Again 
	* Hope of the Gospel 
	* The Light Princess 
	* The Light Princess and Other Fairy Stories 
	* Lilith, a romance 
	* Malcolm 
	* The Marquis of Lossie 
	* Mary Marston 
	* Miracles of Our Lord 
	* Paul Faber, Surgeon 
	* Phantastes, a Faerie Romance for Men and Women 
	* The poetical works of George MacDonald in two volumes — Volume 1 
	* The poetical works of George MacDonald in two volumes — Volume 2 
	* The Portent & Other Stories 
	* The Princess and Curdie 
	* The Princess and the Goblin 
	* Rampolli 
	* Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood 
	* Robert Falconer 
	* A Rough Shaking 
	* Salted with Fire 
	* The Seaboard Parish, Complete 
	* The Seaboard Parish Volume 1 
	* The Seaboard Parish Volume 2 
	* The Seaboard Parish Volume 3 
	* Sir Gibbie 
	* Stephen Archer and Other Tales 
	* St. George and St. Michael 
	* St. George and St. Michael Volume I 
	* St. George and St. Michael Volume II 
	* St. George and St. Michael Volume III 
	* There & Back 
	* Thomas Wingfold, Curate 
	* Thomas Wingfold, Curate V1 
	* Thomas Wingfold, Curate V2 
	* Thomas Wingfold, Curate V3 
	* The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark A Study with the Text of the Folio of 1623 
	* Unspoken Sermons Series I., II., and II. 
	* The Vicar's Daughter 
	* Warlock o' Glenwarlock 
	* Weighed and Wanting 
	* What's Mine's Mine — Complete 
	* What's Mine's Mine — Volume 1 
	* What's Mine's Mine — Volume 2 
	* What's Mine's Mine — Volume 3 
	* Wilfrid Cumbermede
Anna Sewell Collection
Anna Sewell Collection. Including:
	* Black Beauty
	* Black Beauty, Young Folks' Edition
Frederick Marryat Collection
Frederick Marryat Collection. Including:
	* The Children of the New Forest 
	* Diary in America, Series One 
	* Diary in America, Series Two 
	* Frank Mildmay Or, the Naval Officer 
	* Jacob Faithful 
	* Japhet in Search of a Father 
	* The King's Own 
	* The Little Savage 
	* Masterman Ready 
	* Masterman Ready The Wreck of the "Pacific" 
	* The Mission 
	* The Mission; or Scenes in Africa 
	* Monsieur Violet 
	* Mr. Midshipman Easy 
	* Newton Forster 
	* Newton Forster The Merchant Service 
	* Olla Podrida 
	* The Pacha of Many Tales 
	* Percival Keene 
	* Peter Simple; and, The Three Cutters, Vol. 1-2 
	* The Phantom Ship 
	* The Pirate 
	* The Pirate, and The Three Cutters 
	* The Poacher Joseph Rushbrook 
	* Poor Jack 
	* The Privateersman 
	* The Privateer's-Man One hundred Years Ago 
	* Rattlin the Reefer 
	* The Settlers in Canada 
	* The Settlers in Canada 
	* Snarleyyow 
	* Snarley-yow or The Dog Fiend 
	* The Three Cutters 
	* Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet 
	* Valerie
Robert Michael Ballantyne Collection
Robert Michael Ballantyne Collection. Including:
	* Away in the Wilderness
	* The Battery and the Boiler Adventures in Laying of Submarine Electric Cables
	* The Battle and the Breeze
	* Battles with the Sea
	* The Big Otter
	* Black Ivory
	* Blown to Bits or, The Lonely Man of Rakata
	* Blue Lights Hot Work in the Soudan
	* The Buffalo Runners A Tale of the Red River Plains
	* The Butterfly's Ball The Grasshopper's Feast
	* The Cannibal Islands Captain Cook's Adventure in the South Seas
	* Charlie to the Rescue
	* Chasing the Sun
	* The Coral Island A Tale of the Pacific Ocean
	* The Coxswain's Bride also, Jack Frost and Sons; and, A Double Rescue
	* The Crew of the Water Wagtail
	* Deep Down, a Tale of the Cornish Mines
	* Digging for Gold Adventures in California
	* The Dog Crusoe and His Master A Story of Adventure in the Western Prairies
	* Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished A Tale of City Arab Life and Adventure
	* The Eagle Cliff
	* Erling the Bold
	* Fast in the Ice Adventures in the Polar Regions
	* Fighting the Flames
	* Fighting the Whales
	* The Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands
	* Fort Desolation Red Indians and Fur Traders of Rupert's Land
	* Freaks on the Fells Three Months' Rustication
	* The Fugitives The Tyrant Queen of Madagascar
	* The Garret and the Garden
	* Gascoyne, the Sandal-Wood Trader A Tale of the Pacific
	* The Giant of the North Pokings Round the Pole
	* The Golden Dream Adventures in the Far West
	* The Gorilla Hunters
	* Handbook to the new Gold-fields
	* The Hot Swamp
	* Hudson Bay
	* Hunted and Harried
	* Hunting the Lions
	* In the Track of the Troops
	* The Iron Horse
	* The Island Queen
	* Jarwin and Cuffy
	* Jeff Benson, or the Young Coastguardsman
	* The Lifeboat
	* Life in the Red Brigade London Fire Brigade
	* The Life of a Ship
	* The Lighthouse
	* The Lively Poll A Tale of the North Sea
	* The Lonely Island The Refuge of the Mutineers
	* Lost in the Forest Wandering Will's Adventures in South America
	* The Madman and the Pirate
	* Man on the Ocean A Book about Boats and Ships
	* Martin Rattler
	* Martin Rattler
	* The Middy and the Moors An Algerine Story
	* My Doggie and I
	* The Norsemen in the West
	* The Ocean and its Wonders
	* Over the Rocky Mountains Wandering Will in the Land of the Redskin
	* Personal Reminiscences in Book Making and Some Short Stories
	* Philosopher Jack
	* The Pioneers
	* The Pirate City An Algerine Tale
	* Post Haste
	* The Prairie Chief
	* The Red Eric
	* The Red Man's Revenge A Tale of The Red River Flood
	* Red Rooney The Last of the Crew
	* Rivers of Ice
	* The Rover of the Andes A Tale of Adventure on South America
	* Saved by the Lifeboat
	* The Settler and the Savage
	* Shifting Winds A Tough Yarn
	* Silver Lake
	* Six Months at the Cape
	* The Story of the Rock
	* Sunk at Sea
	* The Thorogood Family
	* Twice Bought
	* Under the Waves Diving in Deep Waters
	* Ungava
	* Up in the Clouds Balloon Voyages
	* The Walrus Hunters A Romance of the Realms of Ice
	* The Wild Man of the West A Tale of the Rocky Mountains
	* The World of Ice
	* Wrecked but not Ruined
	* The Young Fur Traders
	* The Young Trawler
Edith Nesbit Collection
Edith Nesbit Collection. Including:
	* All Round the Year 
	* Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare 
	* The Book of Dragons 
	* The Enchanted Castle 
	* Five Children and It 
	* Harding's luck 
	* The Incomplete Amorist 
	* In Homespun 
	* Landscape and Song (English) (as Editor)
	* The Magic City 
	* The Magic World 
	* Many Voices 
	* New Treasure Seekers or, The Bastable Children in Search of a Fortune 
	* Oswald Bastable and Others 
	* The Phoenix and the Carpet 
	* Pussy and Doggy Tales 
	* The Railway Children 
	* The Rainbow and the Rose 
	* The Story of the Amulet 
	* The Story of the Treasure Seekers 
	* The Wouldbegoods
Jonathan Swift collection
Jonathan Swift collection. Including:
	* The Battle of the Books and other Short Pieces 
	* Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers 
	* The Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers 
	* Gulliver's Travels 
	* Gulliver's Travels Into Several Remote Regions of the World 
	* The Journal to Stella 
	* A Modest Proposal 
	* The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 1 
	* The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 2 
	* The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 03 Swift's Writings on Religion and the Church — Volume 1 
	* The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 04 Swift's Writings on Religion and the Church — Volume 2 
	* The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 06 The Drapier's Letters 
	* The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. - Volume 07 Historical and Political Tracts-Irish 
	* The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 09 Contributions to The Tatler, The Examiner, The Spectator, and The Intelligencer 
	* The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10 Historical Writings 
	* A Tale of a Tub 
	* A Tale of a Tub 
	* Three Sermons: I. on mutual subjection. II. on conscience. III. on the trinity 
	* Three Sermons, Three Prayers
Les Voyages de Gulliver(Gulliver's Travels in French and English)
Les Voyages de Gulliver(Gulliver's Travels in French) and in English
Mary Mapes Dodge collection
Mary Mapes Dodge collection. Including:
	* Donald and Dorothy 
	* Hans Brinker; or, the Silver Skates 
	* Po-No-Kah An Indian Tale of Long Ago
Oscar Wilde Collection
Oscar Wilde Collection in English. Including:
	* Ballad of Reading Gaol 
	* The Canterville Ghost 
	* Charmides and Other Poems 
	* De Profundis 
	* The Duchess of Padua 
	* Essays and Lectures 
	* For Love of the King a Burmese Masque 
	* The Happy Prince and Other Tales 
	* A House of Pomegranates 
	* An Ideal Husband 
	* The Importance of Being Earnest 
	* Intentions 
	* Lady Windermere's Fan 
	* Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories 
	* Miscellanies 
	* The Picture of Dorian Gray 
	* Reviews 
	* La Sainte Courtisane 
	* Selected Prose of Oscar Wilde 
	* Shorter Prose Pieces 
	* The Soul of Man under Socialism 
	* Vera or, The Nihilists 
	* A Woman of No Importance
Johanna Spyri Collection
Johanna Spyri Collection in English. Including:
	* Cornelli 
	* Erick and Sally 
	* Gritli's Children 
	* Heidi 
	* Heidi 
	* Heidi (Gift Edition) 
	* Maezli A Story of the Swiss Valleys 
	* Moni the Goat-Boy 
	* Rico and Wiseli 
	* Toni, the Little Woodcarver 
	* Uncle Titus and His Visit to the Country 
	* Veronica And Other Friends Two Stories For Children
Johanna Spyri Pfund(in German)
Johanna Spyri Pfund(Johanna Spyri Books collection in German lanugage). darunter:
    * Heidi kann brauchen, was es gelernt hat(German)
    * Heidis Lehr- und Wanderjahre(German)
    * Heimatlos Geschichten für Kinder und auch für solche, welche die Kinder lieb haben, 1. Band(German)
    * Moni der Geißbub(German)
    * Vom This, der doch etwas wird Erzählung(German)
    * Was die Großmutter gelehrt hat Erzählung(German)
    * Wie Wiselis Weg gefunden wird Erzählung(German)
    * Wo Gritlis Kinder hingekommen sind Geschichten für Kinder und auch für solche, welche die Kinder lieb haben, 8. Band(German)
J.M.Barrie collection
J.M.Barrie collection

    * The Admirable Crichton
    * Alice Sit-By-The-Fire
    * Auld Licht Idylls
    * Auld Licht Idyls
    * Better Dead
    * Charles Frohman: Manager and Man 
    * Dear Brutus
    * Echoes of the War
    * The Little Minister
    * The Little White Bird; or, Adventures in Kensington gardens
    * Margaret Ogilvy
    * My Lady Nicotine A Study in Smoke
    * Peter and Wendy
    * Peter Pan
    * Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
    * Sentimental Tommy The Story of His Boyhood
    * Stories by English Authors: London (Selected by Scribners) 
    * Stories by English Authors: Scotland (Selected by Scribners)
    * Tommy and Grizel
    * What Every Woman Knows
    * A Window in Thrums
    * The Young Visiters or, Mr. Salteena's Plan (English)


儿童文学合集(简体) for iPad.
	'伊索寓言'(437 Stories)

兒童文學合集(繁體) for iPad.
	'伊索寓言'(437 stories)


拉.封丹 寓言(有声书)80集(简体)
拉.封丹 寓言(有声书)80集(简体). 包含适用于儿童阅读与聆听的80个拉.封丹寓言文本与声音, 真人朗读发声.	如伪装成牧羊人的狼, 孔雀毛装扮的八哥, 狮子的朝廷, 龟兔赛跑 等共80个寓言.

拉.封丹 寓言(有聲書)80集(繁體)
拉.封丹 寓言(有聲書)80集(繁體). 包含適用於兒童閱讀與聆聽的80個拉.封丹寓言文本與聲音, 真人朗讀發聲.	如偽裝成牧羊人的狼, 孔雀毛裝扮的八哥, 獅子的朝廷, 龜兔賽跑 等共80個寓言.


拉.封丹 寓言 全集(简体)
拉封丹 寓言 全集(简体). 包含十卷共204个寓言故事.适用于儿童与成人阅读.

拉.封丹 寓言 全集(繁體)
拉封丹 寓言全集(繁體) 包含十卷共204個寓言故事.適用於兒童與成人閱讀.

儿童 诗歌(有声书)80首
Including 80 Chinese classic poems.
兒童 詩歌(有聲書)80首
Including 80 Chinese classic poems.


  • 创新性的中文学习工具, 具有全文真人发声朗读,切换显示拼音,点按单字可读出汉字的读音,显示中英字典解释; 在iPhone/iPod 屏幕上显示单个汉字来帮助用户在屏幕上练习汉字书写.
  • 具有常用汉字的笔画动画播放功能, 可以清楚地显示出汉字的笔画顺序并可以用手指在iPhone/iPod 表面手写练习, 是学习中文听,读,写的强大工具, 请参考互联网站点使用录像来了解更多功能.
  • 文章显示可在加注拼音,以及只显示汉字2种模式中自由切换. 字典显示单字的简体以及繁体汉字以及英文字典解释, 并显示一些相应的简体与繁体词组.
  • 请注意, 在iPhone/iPod 表面书写汉字只是书写的练习手段,帮助使用者学习笔画,提高兴趣并可随时随地练习; 它不能替代在纸上的书写.

包含80首中国古典文学的精华诗歌, 配有拼音和真人男声与女声朗读,是儿童学习中文的良好帮手.
 Including Materials of grade 1 for Chinese learning.
配合海外常用的中文教材直观地学习中文.请参照截图确定是否为合适的图书. 书中在每一单元后有简繁体对照的生词表以便识繁写简.

配合海外常用的中文教材直观地学习中文.请参照截图确定是否为合适的图书. 书中在每一单元后有简繁体对照的生词表以便识繁写简.
Including Materials of grade 2 for Chinese learning.

      Contains 437 fables in 10 volumes.
      Contains 437 fables in 10 volumes.
拉.封丹 寓言(有声学习版)80集(简体)
        拉.封丹 寓言(有声书)80集(繁体). 包含适用于儿童阅读与聆听的80个拉.封丹寓言文本与声音, 真人朗读发声.
	如 伪装成牧羊人的狼, 孔雀毛装扮的八哥, 狮子的朝廷, 龟兔赛跑 等共80个寓言.
拉.封丹 寓言(有聲學習版)80集(繁體)
        拉.封丹 寓言(有聲書)80集(繁體). 包含適用於兒童閱讀與聆聽的80個拉.封丹寓言文本與聲音, 真人朗讀發聲.
	如 偽裝成牧羊人的狼, 孔雀毛裝扮的八哥, 獅子的朝廷, 龜兔賽跑 等共80個寓言.
Including text book of grade 1 for Chinese learning.
配合中国大陆的小学中文教材直观地学习中文. 书中在每一单元后有简繁体对照的生词表以便识繁写简.
Including text book of grade 2 for Chinese learning.
配合中国大陆的小学中文教材直观地学习中文. 书中在每一单元后有简繁体对照的生词表以便识繁写简.
包含三字经,百家姓,千字文,弟子规,朱子家训,增广贤文,了凡四訓,菜根谭,幼學瓊林,声律启蒙,笠翁对韵等經典中華文化兒童啟蒙圖書,真人全文朗讀發聲,文章并可顯示拼音以及注音以便學習漢字,帶有漢字發音字典,中英對照字典, 常用漢字書寫筆畫動畫顯示,并可在屏幕表面書寫漢字, 是兒童學習中文的良好工具.(注音顯示需OS>=3.0)
      Contains chinese traditional classic books for children.
包含三字经,百家姓,千字文,弟子规,朱子家训,增广贤文,了凡四训,菜根谭,幼学琼林,声律启蒙,笠翁对韵等经典中华文化儿童启蒙图书,真人全文朗读发声,文章并可显示拼音以及注音以便学习汉字,带有汉字发音字典,中英对照字典, 常用汉字书写笔画动画显示,并可在屏幕表面书写汉字, 是儿童学习中文的良好工具.(注音显示需OS>=3.0)
      Contains chinese traditional classic books for children.
兒童唐詩三百首(有聲學習版)(简体+繁體),有313首唐詩, 配有拼音,和真人男聲朗讀,字典,书写笔画练习.
	Contains 313 Chinese poems of Tang dynasty.


儿童圣经故事 (有声书) (简体)
儿童圣经故事 (有声书) (简体).包含102个旧约和新约故事, 真人发声, 适合儿童睡前和主日学使用.
      Including 102 bible stories for Children in Mandrian audio.
兒童聖經故事 (有聲書) (繁體)
兒童聖經故事 (有聲書) (繁體)包含102箇舊約和新約故事, 真人發聲, 適合兒童睡前和主日學使用.
      Including 102 bible stories for Children in Mandrian audio.

世界儿童童话故事 (有声书) (简体)
世界儿童童话故事 (有声书) (简体). 真人发声, 最好的儿童睡前故事.
	Children's stories collection.
世界兒童童話故事 (有聲書) (繁體)
世界兒童童話故事 (有聲書) (繁體) 真人發聲, 最好的兒童睡前故事.
	Children's stories collection.

童话故事 (语音)和集第一(62集)(简繁體)
童话故事 和集第一包含语音故事62集:
童话故事 (语音)和集第二(80集)(简繁體)
童话故事 (语音)和集第二包含语音故事80集:
自私的巨人, 快乐王子, 韩森和葛利特, 阿尔卑斯山的女孩, 木马的故事, 阿里巴巴和四十大盗, 穷人和富人, 小国王, 绿野仙踪, 勇敢的裁缝, 大鼻子小矮人, 十二个兄弟, 三件护身符, 不可思议的事, 两尊石像, 杰克和仙豆, 阿拉丁神灯, 灰姑娘, 青蛙王子, 白雪公主, 荷兰姑娘, 小人国历险记, 小莫古, 小红帽, 舞鞋, 白玫瑰和红玫瑰, 小兄妹, 下巴王子, 布莱梅的乐队, 木偶奇遇记, 小银币, 傻汉汉斯, 小雪女, 曾祖母的睡衣, 呆子伊凡, 国王的新衣, 卖火柴的姑娘, 魔笛, 飞船, 小拇指, 老狗滋鲁坦, 三只狗, 白贼七, 狮子的眼镜, 下金蛋的鹅, 三只小猪, 长鼻象, 大野狼和七只小羊, 老鼠嫁女儿, 兔子和狐狸, 被施魔法的公主, 小公主, 睡美人, 不吃罗卜吃婆婆, 人鱼公主, 小公子, 寻母千里, 三兄弟和紫荆树, 蛇郎君, 许愿烛, 裁缝拉巴欧, 妙贼, 三个音乐家, 乞丐王子, 十个奇怪的兄弟, 铁汉, 蛇女, 知母草, 虎姑婆, 小山子和红妞, 仙女, 被施魔法的树, 苦儿流浪记, 爱丽丝梦游仙境, 驴耳王子, 雪女王, 生命泉, 在空中飞的皮箱, 动物报恩, 蒙古小骑士.
童话故事 (语音)和集第三(36集)(简繁體)
童话故事 (语音)和集第三包含语音故事36集:
	三个苹果, 丑小鸭, 两个阿卜都那, 仙女, 会搔耳朵的猫, 四色鱼的故事, 国王和猎鹰, 大乌龟, 太阳以东和月亮以西, 好心人, 小红帽, 康德拉, 水孩子, 海的女儿, 渔夫和魔鬼的故事, 灰姑娘, 男人泉和女人泉, 白雪公主, 皇宫的小矮人, 神医杜班, 神奇的乌木马, 神灯, 穿靴子的猫, 美人和怪兽, 聪明的山鲁佐德, 莴苣, 辛伯达航海记1, 辛伯达航海记2, 辛伯达航海记3, 野天鹅, 银匠哈桑的奇遇, 闹鬼的房子, 阿拉丁神灯, 阿里巴巴, 雨滴项链, 青蛙王子.
童话故事 (语音)和集第四(31集)(简繁體)
童话故事 和集 第四 包含语音故事31集:
七色花, 九色鹿, 假话国历险记, 国王与鹤, 宝葫芦的故事, 小拇指, 彼得·潘, 快乐王子, 打火匣, 打败巨人的杰克, 桃太郎, 樵夫与仙女, 渔夫和金鱼, 潘多拉, 灰姑娘, 爱丽丝梦游奇境01.爱丽丝掉进兔子洞, 爱丽丝梦游奇境02.泪水潭里与耗子对话, 爱丽丝梦游奇境03.在大白兔的家, 爱丽丝梦游奇境04.与毛毛虫的谈话, 爱丽丝梦游奇境05.奇怪的切舍猫, 爱丽丝梦游奇境06.疯狂的茶会, 爱丽丝梦游奇境07.纸牌王后, 爱丽丝梦游奇境08.假海龟的故事, 爱丽丝梦游奇境09.谁偷了水果馅饼, 爱丽丝梦游奇境10.爱丽丝的证词, 睡美人, 矮子鼻儿, 美女与野兽, 野天鹅, 青鸟, 骑鹅旅行记.
童话故事 (语音)和集第五(209集)(简繁體)
童话故事 和集第五包含语音故事209集:
别忘了说谢谢, 星期六去写生, 装病的狗熊贝贝, 烟娃娃没有朋友了, 小猴上幼儿园, 爱唱歌的恐龙, 爱漂亮的小企鹅, 北极熊的棉鞋, 粗心的小蜻蜓, 大风天, 大森林里的老奶奶, 冬天里的梦, 鳄鱼阿特去上学, 繁忙的星期六, 给国王画胡须, 黑熊的人类朋友, 老鼠看电影, 两条金鱼互相帮助, 妈妈的星期六, 勤劳的芳芳, 骄傲的大歌星(上), 骄傲的大歌星(下), 北极熊的棉鞋, 黑熊的人类朋友, 猴子和鹿, 花斑马, 皮小胖, 森林里的大侦探, 小熊请客, 雪人, 小猴皮皮, 小蚂蚁去水果城, 小兔子认字, 小蜘蛛的故事, 星期六的下午, 送给盲婆婆的蝈蝈, 别忘了说谢谢, 吹牛的青蛙, 大嘴巴和小尾巴, 冬天里的梦, 鄂鱼阿克去上学, 给国王画胡须, 猴子磨刀, 狐狸和仙鹤, 会叫的猫和不叫的狗, 狼和羔羊, 狼和狗, 两只狗和死鱼, 蚂蚁与犀牛, 青蛙和老鼠, 三只老鼠, 什么最好吃?, 小猴穿鞋, 小老鼠听不懂, 小松鼠的故事, 园丁和熊, 真猫咪和假猫咪, 丑丑的故事, 打滚“小丑”, 乖乖和胖胖, 老虎、螃蟹和蜘蛛, 蚂蚁和长颈鹿, 磨菇风扇, 胖小猪噜噜, 狮子的头发, 小袋鼠当妈妈, 小狗怕怕, 小猴的脸红了, 一头绝顶聪明的猪, 白云, 不光彩的亚军, 采蘑菇的小兔子, 彩虹姐姐, 答案, 大豆虫和小蚂蚁, 大狗小狗和大狐狸, 大猴阿眉, 大侦探和他的助手, 地窖里的妖魔, 第三幅画, 电视迷上课, 肚子里的酒厂, 好邻居, 黑头大雄狮, 狐狸告状, 黄鹂和山雀, 机器妈妈, 鸡大嫂报案, 鸡蛋是谁偷的, 借尾巴, 小燕子考青蛙, 可爱的泡泡, 螂哥哥和螂弟弟, 鲤鱼住在水稻家, 两个旋和三个旋, 龙的眼睛, 园子里的悄悄话, 妈妈的眼睛, 笨狮子, 能吃的宫殿, 牛伯伯种菜, 有本领的小白鹿, 火人, 森林里的红房子, 神奇的防身武器, 神奇的呵欠, 神掌小马龙, 审判动物的奇闻, 生死搏斗, 谁是羊皮的主人, 谁是纵火犯, 谁偷的钱, 水底换房大会, 水中屏气比赛, 太阳变魔术, 童辉照井, 王妃头上的彩云, 危险的瘪轮胎, 蚊子坏蛋哪里逃, 无刺刺猥, 消失在迷雾中的兵团, 小阿凡提当裁判, 小壁虎, 小壁虎借尾巴, 小草大力士, 小孩猜哑谜, 小海马要上天, 小鹤鸟学捉鱼, 小猴开澡堂, 小花鸡种花生, 小金鱼看家, 小金鱼捉迷藏, 小蝌蚪吃尾巴, 小棋手大战双棋王, 小手拉小手, 小淘气当小护士, 小兔的春装, 小乌龟找工作, 小象奴奴找奶奶, 奇怪的小花生, 新闻错不错, 鸭子为什么会游泳, 眼科医院的新病号, 要是你在野外迷了路, 起死回死的小维尔, 一只小胖猪, 蜗牛乌龟, 院子里的对话, 月亮姑姑笑了, 金蝉脱壳, 在牛肚子里旅行, 植物妈妈有办法, 智擒盗宝贼, 智取赃物, 种子旅行家, 鲤鱼住在水稻家, 瓦砾下的吵嘴声, 聪明的小牧人, 原始森林里的人蛇大战, 月亮的脸, 艾丽丝漫游奇竟, 不肯长大的小泰莱莎, 踩着面包走的女孩, 长袜子皮皮, 穿靴子的猫, 大狼, 大乌龟, 豆孩子, 海的女儿, 红蜡烛和美人鱼, 会搔耳朵的猫, 假话国际历险记, 金河王, 康德拉, 快乐王子, 流浪汉的童话, 龙子太郎, 旅行的鞋, 玛丽亚领养的女孩, 美人和怪兽, 面包房里的猫, 拇指姑娘, 木偶奇遇记, 七色花, 任性的玛拉, 神灯, 水孩子, 睡美人, 太阳以东和月亮以西, 豌豆公主, 莴苣, 仙女, 小拇指, 小穆克, 小熊星, 幸福人的衬衣, 野天鹅, 一个出卖心的人, 勇敢的小裁缝, 邮递员的童话, 雨滴项链, 一个贵族和他的女儿们, 幸运的贝儿, 牙痛姑妈, 演木偶戏的人, 一串珍珠, 寓言说的这就是你呀, 园丁和主人, 在养鸭场里
童话故事 (语音)和集第六(22集)(简繁體)
童话故事 和集第六包含语音故事22集:
三只小猪, 龟兔赛跑, 饶舌的麻雀, 五颗豌豆儿, 人鱼公主(上), 人鱼公主(下), 千年妖精, 大狮子与小老鼠, 小红鞋, 快乐骑士的宝藏, 放羊的孩子, 杰克和魔豆, 磨破的舞鞋, 糖果屋, 老鞋匠和小精灵, 聪明的农家女, 聪明的国王, 讨厌纺纱的女孩, 金岛, 金鹅, 银币, 阿拉丁神灯
童话故事 (语音)和集第七(66集)(简繁體)
童话故事 (语音)和集第七包含下列故事(66集):
豆孩子, 白云, 笨狮子, 不光彩的亚军, 采蘑菇的小兔子, 彩虹姐姐, 大豆虫和小蚂蚁, 大狼, 大乌龟, 大象滑梯过生日, 大侦探和他的助手, 地窖里的妖魔, 电视迷上课, 风筝找朋友, 好邻居, 灰姑娘, 机器妈妈, 鸡蛋是谁偷的, 借尾巴, 金蝉脱壳, 可爱的泡泡, 螂哥哥和螂弟弟, 鲤鱼住在水稻家, 两个旋和三个旋, 绿色王国的吃大王, 能吃的宫殿, 奇怪的花生, 奇奇怪博士破案记-备忘录晴雨伞, 奇奇怪博士破案记-海滨水鬼之谜, 奇奇怪博士破案记-咬窃贼的钱包, 奇奇怪博士破案记-钻石表和橡皮狗, 枪炮国去打糖果国, 三只快活的小老鼠, 森林里的红房子, 神奇的防身武器, 水底换房大会, 水孩子, 水中屏气比赛, 卫生球闯祸, 蜗牛和乌龟比本领, 小草大力士, 小海马要上天, 小花鸡种花生, 小金鱼看家, 小金鱼捉迷藏, 小老虎吃巧克力, 小拇指, 小奇人跳跳-大狗小狗和大狐狸, 小奇人跳跳-大猴阿眉, 小奇人跳跳-黑头大雄狮, 小奇人跳跳-鸡大嫂报案, 小淘气当小护士, 小兔的春装, 小兔的千里眼, 小乌龟找工作, 小象奴奴找奶奶, 小象转学, 小燕子考青蛙, 有本领的小白鹭, 院子里的悄悄话, 月亮的脸, 月夜怪语, 在牛肚子里旅行, 脏嘴巴的小白兔, 真猫咪和假猫咪, 种子旅行家.
童话故事 (语音)和集第八(109集)(简繁體)
童话故事 (语音)和集第八(109集):
	科学童话-冬天来了, 快板剧-小猴去联欢, 童话-爱看电视的小猫, 童话-爱看电视的小猫2, 童话-爱看电视的小猫3, 童话-爱看电视的小猫4, 童话-巴警官的故事, 童话-爸爸,我爱你, 童话-白雪公主1, 童话-白雪公主2, 童话-百草园, 童话-宝宝不怕, 童话-笨汉汉斯, 童话-冰房子, 童话-不守纪律的小闹钟, 童话-不睡觉国历险记, 童话-不死的小花, 童话-丑小鸭, 童话-传天来了, 童话-从前再一片大森林里, 童话-聪明的小白兔, 童话-聪明勇敢的迪尔, 童话-粗心的小蜻蜓, 童话-大狗熊的故事, 童话-大嗓门先生, 童话-大森林里的山歌, 童话-大森林里的小木屋, 童话-放鹅姑娘, 童话-狗尾巴草, 童话-孩子城, 童话-好猫眯眯1, 童话-好猫眯眯2, 童话-好奇的粉红小猪, 童话-好问的小猴, 童话-河马大叔, 童话-黑熊的愿望, 童话-猴子和鹿, 童话-滑冰, 童话-滑梯上有个钉子, 童话-皇帝的新装, 童话-黄鼠狼找食物, 童话-会动的石头, 童话-康米的故事, 童话-恐龙的故事, 童话-懒惰的小麻雀, 童话-老鼠开会, 童话-露珠里的朋友, 童话-鲁班造伞, 童话-马马虎虎的神仙, 童话-卖火柴的小女孩, 童话-猫头鹰电视迷, 童话-毛毛虫的故事, 童话-美丽的大海, 童话-美妙的小音符, 童话-妹妹的布娃娃, 童话-魔法糖的故事, 童话-茉莉过生日, 童话-怕冷的小老虎, 童话-朋友, 童话-皮小胖, 童话-青蛙王子1, 童话-青蛙王子2, 童话-森林里的大侦探, 童话-神笔马良, 童话-狮子烫发, 童话-时髦化猪的故事, 童话-树叶从哪里来的?, 童话-淘气的小狗, 童话-天鹅和企鹅, 童话-土拨鼠相当爸爸, 童话-土豆娃娃1, 童话-土豆娃娃2, 童话-土豆娃娃3, 童话-土豆娃娃4, 童话-土豆娃娃5, 童话-土豆娃娃6, 童话-土豆娃娃7, 童话-土豆娃娃8, 童话-土豆娃娃9, 童话-外星人收破烂, 童话-巫婆鳄鱼和小姑娘, 童话-小班马过河, 童话-小草, 童话-小霏霏的梦, 童话-小果树生病了, 童话-小猴织布, 童话-小狐狸, 童话-小卢鱼波尔, 童话-小猫钓鱼, 童话-小人国的故事, 童话-小松鼠的书包, 童话-小松鼠理发店, 童话-小松鼠买梦, 童话-小熊请客, 童话-小熊温尼浦, 童话-小雪花, 童话-鞋子车, 童话-雪花姑娘去旅行, 童话-雪人, 童话-燕子妈妈和她的孩子, 童话-一只小熊, 童话-邮车里的十二位乘客, 童话-鼬鼠的家, 童话-元元的奇怪旅行, 童话-咱们一起种树去, 童话-猪八戒吃西瓜, 知识-变色的动物, 知识-夏天里的动物, 知识-植物睡觉.
童话故事 (语音)和集第九(139集)(简繁體)
人类的起源, 尼罗河的赠礼, 不朽的金字塔, 图坦卡蒙的宝藏, 罗塞塔石碑, 从太阳历到公历, 苏美尔的曙光, “麻雀脚印”与楔形文字, 汉穆拉比法典, 大卫统一以色列, “紫红之国”腓尼基, 尚武的亚述, 巴比伦的空中花园, 三大宗教的起源地, 哈拉巴文化, 印度的种姓制度, 释迦牟尼的故事, 阿育王, 米诺斯的迷宫, 特洛伊木马, 荷马史诗, 勇敢的斯巴达, 改革家梭伦, 伊索寓言, 古代奥运会, 大流士一世, 马拉松战役, 血战温泉关, 萨拉米大海战, 雅典卫城与雅典娜, 
电视机的诞生, 电子计算机的诞生, 机器人走进人类生活, 加加林遨游太空, “阿波罗”登月, 悲壮的“挑战者”号, 玻璃金字塔, 神奇的因特网, 克隆羊多利, 征服艾滋病, 世界博览会, 现代奥运会, 风靡全球的世界杯.
盘古开天辟地, 神农尝百草, 涿鹿大战, 尧舜禅位, 大禹治水, 后羿夺权, 商汤讨伐夏桀, 盘庚迁都到殷, 奴隶为相, 姜尚钓鱼, 武王伐纣, 周公辅助成王, 共和行政, 骊山烽火, 鲍叔牙荐管仲, 一鼓作气, 老马识途, 唇亡齿寒, 秦穆公广招人才, 宋襄公愚不可及,
租界变成国中之国, 严复翻译《天演论》, 王懿荣发现甲骨文, 张謇经营纺织业, 义和团扶清灭洋, 詹天佑修铁路, 康有为宣扬保皇, 革命先行者孙中山, 章太炎与《苏报案》, 黄兴策动长沙起义, 革命女侠秋瑾, 黄花岗七十二烈士, 武昌起义的炮声
大禹治水, 商汤灭夏, 周公治国, 孔子办学, 晏子做齐相, 夫差与勾践, 西门豹治邺, 商鞅变法, 邹忌比美劝齐王, 胡服骑射, 屈原投江, 始皇帝, 大泽乡起义, 鸿门宴, 张骞通西域, 史圣司马迁, 昭君出塞, 蔡伦与张衡, 孙刘抗曹, 苻坚的成败, 孝文帝迁都, 南国圣母, 隋文帝和他的儿子们, 玄武门之变, 女皇武则天, 平定安史之乱, 陈桥兵变, 改革家王安石, 岳飞抗金, 大元帝国, 朱元璋治贪, 郑和下西洋, 戚继光平倭, 反阉党, 科学四名家, 郑成功收复台湾, 康熙大帝, 清官第一于成龙, 达赖与班禅.
	lite 版本在升级前只显示前面几章, 简单升级后可使用全部内容.
	九色鹿, 仙山的传说, 农博巨人, 后翌射日, 后翌除害, 天女散花, 天狗吞月, 女娲补天, 女娲造人, 嫦娥奔月, 孔融让梨, 宝莲灯, 打虎英雄武松, 斑鸟, 曹冲称象, 牛郎织女, 狼来了, 猴子捞月, 白尖鸟和海鸥的故事, 盘古开天, 精卫填海, 花仙子, 花木兰, 金斧头.
盗火的普罗米修斯, 潘多拉的盒子, 顽皮的赫耳墨斯, 伊娥公主, 燃烧的太阳车, 欧罗巴洲的来历, 卡德摩斯, 斯芬克斯的谜语, 女神雅典娜, 金羊毛, 伊翁认母, 大力神, 智取金苹果, 拉庇泰人与马人之战, 埃罗斯与莆赛克, 流泪的石像, 特洛伊城, 美丽的海伦, 木马计.
盘古开天, 女娲造人, 伏羲八卦, 神农百草, 精卫填海, 仓颉造字, 蚕丝娘娘, 牛郎织女, 愚公移山, 夸父追日, 杜康造酒, 炼石补天, 炎黄之战, 刑天复仇, 蚩尤之战, 轩辕黄帝, 北帝颛顼, 共工撞山, 帝喾子孙, 后羿射日, 英雄除害, 嫦娥奔月, 百鸟治国, 少昊子孙, 九丘建木, 天地分治, 颛顼后代, 冤魂窫窳, 西天王母, 创造弓箭, 晏龙造琴, 番禺造船, 后稷传奇, 尧帝治世, 尧帝访贤, 龙狗立功, 槐树为媒, 尧帝拭贤, 象弟弑兄, 鲧盗息壤, 大禹治水, 女娇化石, 孝子伯奇, 潇湘斑竹, 风神禺强, 颗手救舜, 巨人钓鳌, 禹定江河, 神果救难, 有易受惩, 吹箫引凤, 孟姜寻夫, 禹除相柳, 赤土疗毒, 雨神雨师, 雷泽之神, 土神后土, 吉神泰逢, 巫山神女, 旱神女魃, 夜游之神, 城皇之神, 财富之神, 媒妁之神, 灶神夫妇, 守门之神, 玉皇大帝, 八仙过海, 启篡王位, 孔甲养龙, 桑生宰相, 汤王灭夏, 子牙出山, 武王伐纣, 子路拜师, 鸟语洗冤, 颜回斩蟒, 望帝化鸟, 五丁力士, 李冰斗蛟, 乾将莫邪, 柳毅传书, 大理龙母, 定水神石, 拯救日月, 劈山救母, 白蛇传奇, 宝珠传奇, 相思传奇, 碧螺神茶, 金鞋王后, 田螺姑娘, 笔起祸端, 黄鹤传奇, 李寄斩蟒, 种玉之缘, 妖怪刺史, 害人害己, 欧明负义, 蚁王报恩.
成语故事全集 403集 (有声书) (简体)
成语故事全集 403集 (有声书) (简体).
	Including 403 stories about Chinese traditional words.
	包含 403 个真人发声的成语故事, 讲解了成语的历史来源和意义, 适用与儿童与成年人学习中华传统文化.
成語故事全集 403集 (有聲書) (繁體)
成語故事全集 403集 (有聲書) (繁體). 
	Including 403 stories about Chinese traditional words.
	包含 403 個真人發聲的成語故事, 講解了成語的歷史來源和意義, 適用與兒童與成年人學習中華傳統文化.


二十五史(简体)for iPad.

	本程序包含原书中的文字与注释, 所有的历史表格. 对于已经消亡的汉字则用图像来代替, 尽力给读者以100%准确度. 以不同的颜色和字体显示不同类型的内容, 给读者以赏心悦目的阅读享受.
二十五史(繁體) for iPad.

	本程序包含原書中的文字與註釋, 所有的歷史表格. 對於已經消亡的漢字則用圖像來代替, 儘力給讀者以100%準確度. 以不同的顏色和字體顯示不同類型的內容, 給讀者以賞心悅目的閱讀享受.
史记(史記)(简体+繁體) for iPad.
以严谨认真的治学态度所出版的历史图书中包含原书中的文字与注释, 所有的历史表格. 对于已经消亡的汉字则用图像来代替, 尽力给读者以100%准确度. 用不同的颜色和字体显示不同类型的内容, 给读者以赏心悦目的阅读享受.在有注释的卷中加入注释隐藏/显示功能按钮方便用户阅读.
在本书中为了方便读者阅读理解, 在每一卷的开头列出了对应的公元年份.
    以严谨认真的治学态度所出版的历史图书中包含原书中的文字与注释, 所有的历史表格. 对于已经消亡的汉字则用图像来代替, 尽力给读者以100%准确度. 用不同的颜色和字体显示不同类型的内容, 给读者以赏心悦目的阅读享受.在有注释的卷中加入注释隐藏/显示功能按钮方便用户阅读. 
二十六史(简体) for iPad.
本程序包含简体版二十四史与《新元史》,《清史稿》共二十六部史书,四千多卷. 为中国文化的精粹, 中国人必备之图书.



程序包含《史记》, 《前汉书》, 《后汉书》, 《三国志》, 《晋书》, 《宋书》, 《南齐书》, 《梁书》, 《陈书》, 《魏书》, 《北齐书》, 《周书》, 《南史》, 《北史》, 《隋书》, 《旧唐书》, 《新唐书》, 《旧五代史》, 《新五代史》, 《宋史》, 《辽史》, 《金史》, 《元史》, 《明史》, 《新元史》, 《清史稿》共二十六部史书,四千多卷图书.

本着严谨认真的治学态度, LoudReader 出版的二十四史包含原书中的文字与注释, 所有的历史表格. 对于已经消亡的汉字则用图像来代替, 尽力给读者以100%准确度. 以不同的颜色和字体显示不同类型的内容, 给读者以赏心悦目的阅读享受.
二十六史(繁體) for iPad.
	本程序包含繁體版二十四史與《新元史》,《清史稿》共二十六部史書,四千多卷. 為中國文化的精粹, 中國人必備之圖書.



  程序包含《史記》, 《前漢書》, 《後漢書》, 《三國志》, 《晉書》, 《宋書》, 《南齊書》, 《梁書》, 《陳書》, 《魏書》, 《北齊書》, 《周書》, 《南史》, 《北史》, 《隋書》, 《舊唐書》, 《新唐書》, 《舊五代史》, 《新五代史》, 《宋史》, 《遼史》, 《金史》, 《元史》, 《明史》, 《新元史》, 《清史稿》共二十六部史書,四千多捲圖書.

  本着嚴謹認真的治學態度, LoudReader 出版的二十四史包含原書中的文字與註釋, 所有的歷史表格. 對於已經消亡的漢字則用圖像來代替, 儘力給讀者以100%準確度. 以不同的顏色和字體顯示不同類型的內容, 給讀者以賞心悅目的閱讀享受.
     二十四史,中国古代各朝撰写的二十四部史书的总称,是被历来的朝代纳为正统的史书,故又称「正史」。它上起传说中的黄帝(前2550年),止于明朝崇祯十七年(1644年),计3213卷,约4000万字,用统一的有本纪、列传的纪传体编写。在中国古代,“二十四史”被称为“正史”.“正史”一称被“二十四史”所专有,取得了“正统”史书的地位。程序包含《史记》, 《前汉书》, 《后汉书》, 《三国志》, 《晋书》, 《宋书》, 《南齐书》, 《梁书》, 《陈书》, 《魏书》, 《北齐书》, 《周书》, 《南史》, 《北史》, 《隋书》, 《旧唐书》, 《新唐书》, 《旧五代史》, 《新五代史》, 《宋史》, 《辽史》, 《金史》, 《元史》, 《明史》.
      二十四史,中國古代各朝撰寫的二十四部史書的總稱,是被歷來的朝代納為正統的史書,故又稱「正史」。它上起傳說中的黃帝(前2550年),止於明朝崇禎十七年(1644年),計3213卷,約4000萬字,用統一的有本紀、列傳的紀傳體編寫。在中國古代,“二十四史”被稱為“正史”.“正史”一稱被“二十四史”所專有,取得了“正統”史書的地位。程序包含《史記》, 《前漢書》, 《後漢書》, 《三國志》, 《晉書》, 《宋書》, 《南齊書》, 《梁書》, 《陳書》, 《魏書》, 《北齊書》, 《周書》, 《南史》, 《北史》, 《隋書》, 《舊唐書》, 《新唐書》, 《舊五代史》, 《新五代史》, 《宋史》, 《遼史》, 《金史》, 《元史》, 《明史》.


世界文学名著中英文大合集(简体中文+English) for iPad. Including Books in simplified Chinese and English:

	 * 战争与和平 (作者: 列夫·托尔斯泰)
	 * War And Peace (By: Leo Tolstoy)
	 * 悲惨世界 (作者: 维克多·雨果)
	 * Les Miserables  (By: Victor Hugo )
	 * 双城记 (作者: 查尔斯·狄更斯)
	 * A Tale of Two Cities (By: Charles Dickens)
	 * 简·爱 (作者: 夏洛特·勃朗特)
	 * Jane Eyre (By: Charlotte Bronte)
	 * 呼啸山庄 (作者: 艾米略·勃朗特)
	 * Wuthering Heights (By: Emily Bronte )
	 * 傲慢与偏见 (作者: 简·奥斯汀)
	 * Pride And prejudice (By: Jane Austen)
	 * 德伯家的苔丝 (作者: 托马斯·哈代)
	 * Tess of the D'Urbervilles (By: Thomas Hardy)
	 * 基督山伯爵 (作者: 大仲马)
	 * The Count of Monte Cristo (By: Alexandre Dumas Pere)
	 * 茶花女 (作者: 小仲马)
	 * La Dame aux camélias (Camille) (By: Alexandre Dumas fils)
	 * 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 (作者: 刘易斯·卡洛尔)
	 * Alice's Adventures In Wonderland (By: Lewis Carroll)
	 * 鲁宾逊飘流记 (作者: 丹尼尔·笛福)
	 * Robison Crusoe (By: Daniel Defoe)
	 * 汤姆·索亚历险记 (作者: 马克·吐温)
	 * The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (By: Mark Twain)
	 * 哈克贝里·芬历险记 (作者: 马克·吐温)
	 * The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (By: Mark Twain)
	 * 嘉莉妹妹 (作者: 西奥多·德莱塞)
	 * Sister Carrie (By: Theodore Dreiser)
	 * 娜娜 (作者: 左拉 )
	 * Nana (By: Emile Zola)
	 * 马丁·伊登 (作者: 杰克·伦敦)
	 * Martin Eden (By: Jack London)
	 * 红字 (作者: 霍桑)
	 * The Scarlet Letter (By: Nathaniel Hawthorne)
	 * 查太莱夫人的情人 (作者: D·H·劳伦斯)
	 * Lady Chatterley's Lover (By: D·H·Lawrence)
	 * 宝岛 (作者: 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森)
	 * Treasure Island (By: Robert Louis Stevenson)
	 * 八十天环游地球 (作者: 儒勒·凡尔纳)
	 * Around the World In 80 Days (By: Jules Verne)
	 * 尤利西斯 (作者: 乔伊斯)
	 * Ulysses (By: James Joyce)
世界文學名著中英文大合集(繁體中文+English) for iPad. Including Books in traditional Chinese and English:

	 * 戰爭與和平 (作者: 列夫·托爾斯泰)
	 * War And Peace (By: Leo Tolstoy)
	 * 悲慘世界 (作者: 維克多·雨果)
	 * Les Miserables  (By: Victor Hugo )
	 * 雙城記 (作者: 查爾斯·狄更斯)
	 * A Tale of Two Cities (By: Charles Dickens)
	 * 簡·愛 (作者: 夏洛特·勃朗特)
	 * Jane Eyre (By: Charlotte Bronte)
	 * 呼嘯山莊 (作者: 艾米略·勃朗特)
	 * Wuthering Heights (By: Emily Bronte )
	 * 傲慢與偏見 (作者: 簡·奧斯汀)
	 * Pride And prejudice (By: Jane Austen)
	 * 德伯家的苔絲 (作者: 托馬斯·哈代)
	 * Tess of the D'Urbervilles (By: Thomas Hardy)
	 * 基督山伯爵 (作者: 大仲馬)
	 * The Count of Monte Cristo (By: Alexandre Dumas Pere)
	 * 茶花女 (作者: 小仲馬)
	 * La Dame aux camélias (Camille) (By: Alexandre Dumas fils)
	 * 愛麗絲漫遊奇境記 (作者: 劉易斯·卡洛爾)
	 * Alice's Adventures In Wonderland (By: Lewis Carroll)
	 * 魯賓遜飄流記 (作者: 丹尼爾·笛福)
	 * Robison Crusoe (By: Daniel Defoe)
	 * 湯姆·索亞歷險記 (作者: 馬克·吐溫)
	 * The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (By: Mark Twain)
	 * 哈克貝里·芬歷險記 (作者: 馬克·吐溫)
	 * The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (By: Mark Twain)
	 * 嘉莉妹妹 (作者: 西奧多·德萊塞)
	 * Sister Carrie (By: Theodore Dreiser)
	 * 娜娜 (作者: 左拉 )
	 * Nana (By: Emile Zola)
	 * 馬丁·伊登 (作者: 傑克·倫敦)
	 * Martin Eden (By: Jack London)
	 * 紅字 (作者: 霍桑)
	 * The Scarlet Letter (By: Nathaniel Hawthorne)
	 * 查太萊夫人的情人 (作者: D·H·勞倫斯)
	 * Lady Chatterley's Lover (By: D·H·Lawrence)
	 * 寶島 (作者: 羅伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森)
	 * Treasure Island (By: Robert Louis Stevenson)
	 * 八十天環遊地球 (作者: 儒勒·凡爾納)
	 * Around the World In 80 Days (By: Jules Verne)
	 * 尤利西斯 (作者: 喬伊斯)
	 * Ulysses (By: James Joyce)
四书五经(简体) for iPad.
	四书五经(简体),包含:《大学》《中庸》 《论语》《孟子》《诗经》、《尚书》、《仪礼》、《周易》和春秋三传.
四書五經(繁體) for iPad.
	四書五經(繁體),包含:《大學》《中庸》 《論語》《孟子》《詩經》、《尚書》、《儀禮》、《周易》和春秋三傳.
程序包含東週列國志的108回小說與播講, 文字與聲音同步滾動. 另外有100回的廣播劇.
中国经典文学超级合集(简体+繁體). 此程序为完全版本.
《三国演义》、《水浒传》、《西游记》、《红楼梦》,《東周列國志》,《鏡花緣》, 《封神演義》, 《搜神記》, 《搜神後記》, 《聊齋誌異》, 《峨嵋仙蹤》, 《峨嵋仙蹤-前傳》, 《八仙得道》, 《醒世恆言》, 《喻世明言》, 《警世通言》, 《初刻拍案驚奇》, 《二刻拍案驚奇》, 《今古奇觀》, 《二十年目睹之怪現狀》, 《儒林外史》, 《孽海花》, 《官場現形記》, 《包公案-百家公案》, 《包公案-龍圖公案》, 《施公案》, 《彭公案》, 《狄公傳》, 《老殘遊記》, 《徐霞客遊記》, 《世說新語》, 《清稗類鈔》, 《子不語》, 《閱微草堂筆記》, 《浮生六記》, 《說唐》, 《隋唐演義》, 《說岳全傳》, 《楊家將》, 《三俠五義》, 《七侠五义》, 《小五義》, 《續小五義》, 《醒世姻緣傳》, 《乾隆下江南》, 《兒女英雄傳》, 《列女傳》, 《楊乃武與小白菜》, 《玉蟾記》, 《桃花扇》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 前漢》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 後漢》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 兩晉》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 南北史》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 唐史》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 五代史》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 宋史》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 元史》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 明史》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 清史》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 民國》.
中国经典文学超级合集(简体+繁體) for iPad.
《三国演义》、《水浒传》、《西游记》、《红楼梦》,《東周列國志》,《鏡花緣》, 《封神演義》, 《搜神記》, 《搜神後記》, 《聊齋誌異》, 《峨嵋仙蹤》, 《峨嵋仙蹤-前傳》, 《八仙得道》, 《醒世恆言》, 《喻世明言》, 《警世通言》, 《初刻拍案驚奇》, 《二刻拍案驚奇》, 《今古奇觀》, 《二十年目睹之怪現狀》, 《儒林外史》, 《孽海花》, 《官場現形記》, 《包公案-百家公案》, 《包公案-龍圖公案》, 《施公案》, 《彭公案》, 《狄公傳》, 《老殘遊記》, 《徐霞客遊記》, 《世說新語》, 《清稗類鈔》, 《子不語》, 《閱微草堂筆記》, 《浮生六記》, 《說唐》, 《隋唐演義》, 《說岳全傳》, 《楊家將》, 《三俠五義》, 《七侠五义》, 《小五義》, 《續小五義》, 《醒世姻緣傳》, 《乾隆下江南》, 《兒女英雄傳》, 《列女傳》, 《楊乃武與小白菜》, 《玉蟾記》, 《桃花扇》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 前漢》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 後漢》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 兩晉》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 南北史》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 唐史》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 五代史》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 宋史》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 元史》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 明史》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 清史》, 《歷史通俗演義 - 民國》.
历史通俗演义(简体),或名《历朝通俗演义》,又称《中国历朝通俗演义》,作者为蔡东藩(1877年—1945年),他从1916年开始,到1926年为止,以10年的时间,并阅读了正史及其他史籍等数千余卷,先后完成了 前汉演义, 后汉演义, 两晋演义, 南北朝演义, 唐史演义, 五代史演义, 宋史演义, 元史演义, 明史演义, 清史演义, 民国史演义 11部作品,共1040回,约600余万字,时间跨度自秦始皇到民国九年,凡2166年。其内容跨越时间之长、人物之众、篇制之巨,堪称历史演义之最。被人誉为“一代史家,千秋神笔”。

歷史通俗演義(繁體),或名《歷朝通俗演義》,又稱《中國歷朝通俗演義》,作者為蔡東藩(1877年—1945年),他從1916年開始,到1926年為止,以10年的時間,並閱讀了正史及其他史籍等數千餘卷,先後完成了 前漢演義, 後漢演義, 兩晉演義, 南北朝演義, 唐史演義, 五代史演義, 宋史演義, 元史演義, 明史演義, 清史演義, 民國史演義 11部作品,共1040回,約600餘萬字,時間跨度自秦始皇到民國九年,凡2166年。其內容跨越時間之長、人物之眾、篇制之巨,堪稱歷史演義之最。被人譽為“一代史家,千秋神筆”。


世界文学名著中英文大合集(简体中文+English). Including Books in simplified Chinese and English:

	 * 战争与和平 (作者: 列夫·托尔斯泰)
	 * War And Peace (By: Leo Tolstoy)
	 * 悲惨世界 (作者: 维克多·雨果)
	 * Les Miserables  (By: Victor Hugo )
	 * 双城记 (作者: 查尔斯·狄更斯)
	 * A Tale of Two Cities (By: Charles Dickens)
	 * 简·爱 (作者: 夏洛特·勃朗特)
	 * Jane Eyre (By: Charlotte Bronte)
	 * 呼啸山庄 (作者: 艾米略·勃朗特)
	 * Wuthering Heights (By: Emily Bronte )
	 * 傲慢与偏见 (作者: 简·奥斯汀)
	 * Pride And prejudice (By: Jane Austen)
	 * 德伯家的苔丝 (作者: 托马斯·哈代)
	 * Tess of the D'Urbervilles (By: Thomas Hardy)
	 * 基督山伯爵 (作者: 大仲马)
	 * The Count of Monte Cristo (By: Alexandre Dumas Pere)
	 * 茶花女 (作者: 小仲马)
	 * La Dame aux camélias (Camille) (By: Alexandre Dumas fils)
	 * 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 (作者: 刘易斯·卡洛尔)
	 * Alice's Adventures In Wonderland (By: Lewis Carroll)
	 * 鲁宾逊飘流记 (作者: 丹尼尔·笛福)
	 * Robison Crusoe (By: Daniel Defoe)
	 * 汤姆·索亚历险记 (作者: 马克·吐温)
	 * The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (By: Mark Twain)
	 * 哈克贝里·芬历险记 (作者: 马克·吐温)
	 * The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (By: Mark Twain)
	 * 嘉莉妹妹 (作者: 西奥多·德莱塞)
	 * Sister Carrie (By: Theodore Dreiser)
	 * 娜娜 (作者: 左拉 )
	 * Nana (By: Emile Zola)
	 * 马丁·伊登 (作者: 杰克·伦敦)
	 * Martin Eden (By: Jack London)
	 * 红字 (作者: 霍桑)
	 * The Scarlet Letter (By: Nathaniel Hawthorne)
	 * 查太莱夫人的情人 (作者: D·H·劳伦斯)
	 * Lady Chatterley's Lover (By: D·H·Lawrence)
	 * 宝岛 (作者: 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森)
	 * Treasure Island (By: Robert Louis Stevenson)
	 * 八十天环游地球 (作者: 儒勒·凡尔纳)
	 * Around the World In 80 Days (By: Jules Verne)
	 * 尤利西斯 (作者: 乔伊斯)
	 * Ulysses (By: James Joyce)
世界文學名著中英文大合集(繁體中文+English) Including Books in traditional Chinese and English:

	 * 戰爭與和平 (作者: 列夫·托爾斯泰)
	 * War And Peace (By: Leo Tolstoy)
	 * 悲慘世界 (作者: 維克多·雨果)
	 * Les Miserables  (By: Victor Hugo )
	 * 雙城記 (作者: 查爾斯·狄更斯)
	 * A Tale of Two Cities (By: Charles Dickens)
	 * 簡·愛 (作者: 夏洛特·勃朗特)
	 * Jane Eyre (By: Charlotte Bronte)
	 * 呼嘯山莊 (作者: 艾米略·勃朗特)
	 * Wuthering Heights (By: Emily Bronte )
	 * 傲慢與偏見 (作者: 簡·奧斯汀)
	 * Pride And prejudice (By: Jane Austen)
	 * 德伯家的苔絲 (作者: 托馬斯·哈代)
	 * Tess of the D'Urbervilles (By: Thomas Hardy)
	 * 基督山伯爵 (作者: 大仲馬)
	 * The Count of Monte Cristo (By: Alexandre Dumas Pere)
	 * 茶花女 (作者: 小仲馬)
	 * La Dame aux camélias (Camille) (By: Alexandre Dumas fils)
	 * 愛麗絲漫遊奇境記 (作者: 劉易斯·卡洛爾)
	 * Alice's Adventures In Wonderland (By: Lewis Carroll)
	 * 魯賓遜飄流記 (作者: 丹尼爾·笛福)
	 * Robison Crusoe (By: Daniel Defoe)
	 * 湯姆·索亞歷險記 (作者: 馬克·吐溫)
	 * The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (By: Mark Twain)
	 * 哈克貝里·芬歷險記 (作者: 馬克·吐溫)
	 * The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (By: Mark Twain)
	 * 嘉莉妹妹 (作者: 西奧多·德萊塞)
	 * Sister Carrie (By: Theodore Dreiser)
	 * 娜娜 (作者: 左拉 )
	 * Nana (By: Emile Zola)
	 * 馬丁·伊登 (作者: 傑克·倫敦)
	 * Martin Eden (By: Jack London)
	 * 紅字 (作者: 霍桑)
	 * The Scarlet Letter (By: Nathaniel Hawthorne)
	 * 查太萊夫人的情人 (作者: D·H·勞倫斯)
	 * Lady Chatterley's Lover (By: D·H·Lawrence)
	 * 寶島 (作者: 羅伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森)
	 * Treasure Island (By: Robert Louis Stevenson)
	 * 八十天環遊地球 (作者: 儒勒·凡爾納)
	 * Around the World In 80 Days (By: Jules Verne)
	 * 尤利西斯 (作者: 喬伊斯)
	 * Ulysses (By: James Joyce)
笑话 大合集(一)(简体)
Jokes collection in simplified Chinese, 8000+ jokes.
        笑话 大合集(一)(简体).包含272集约有8000多个笑话, 包括:
	* 现代笑话 --(100集约3000条)
	* 幽默短文 --(17集约500条)
	* 名人幽默 --(27集约800条)
	* 校园笑话 --(30集约900条)
	* 外国笑话 --(98集约2900条)
笑話 大合集(一)(繁體)
Jokes collection in traditional Chinese. 8000+ jokes!
        笑話 大合集(一)(繁體).包含272集約有8000多個笑話, 包括:
	* 現代笑話 --(100集約3000條)
	* 幽默短文 --(17集約500條)
	* 名人幽默 --(27集約800條)
	* 校園笑話 --(30集約900條)
	* 外國笑話 --(98集約2900條)

Different versions of Bibles

  • Colored background for index based on bible books classification.
  • Contains the full data (by real person) for offline use.
  • Quick chapter:verse input dialog and book:chapter:verse picker for fast bible navigation.
  • Verse column added to picker to quickly locate bible verse.
World English Bible(with Audio)HD
World English Bible(with Audio) for iPad.The World English Bible project was started to produce a modern English Bible version that is not copyrighted, does not use archaic English (such as the KJV), or is not translated in Basic English (such as the Bible In Basic English). 

Bible Douay-Rheims Version(Catholic)HD
Bible Douay-Rheims Version(Catholic) for iPad.
        Holy Bible Douay-Rheims Version(Catholic Version). 
Contains English version of Douay-Rheims Version Holy bible. It contains 73 books.
Bible Douay-Rheims(Christian)HD
Bible Douay-Rheims(Christian) for iPad. 
	Contains English version of Douay-Rheims Version Holy bible. It contains 66 books.
Bible in Basic English(HD)
Bible in Basic English for iPad. 
	The Bible In Basic English (also known as BBE) is a translation of the Bible into Basic English. The BBE was translated by Professor S. H. Hooke using the standard 850 Basic English words. 100 words that were helpful to understand poetry were added along with 50 "Bible" words.
World English Bible(HD)
World English Bible for iPad. 
	The World English Bible project was started to produce a modern English Bible version that is not copyrighted, does not use archaic English (such as the KJV), or is not translated in Basic English (such as the Bible In Basic English).
Holy bible DBY(Darby Bible)HD
Holy bible DBY(Darby Bible) for iPad. 
	The Darby Bible (DBY, formal title The Holy Scriptures: A New Translation from the Original Languages by J. N. Darby) refers to the Bible  as translated from Hebrew and Greek by John Nelson Darby.
Bible WBST-Webster's Revision of Bible (HD)
Bible WBST-Webster's Revision of Bible for iPad.

Bible YLT-Youngs Literal Translation(HD)
Bible YLT-Youngs Literal Translation for iPad. 
	The Literal Translation is unusual in that, as the name implies, it is a strictly literal translation of the original Hebrew and Greek texts.
Holy Bible ASV(Ameria Standard Version)HD
Holy Bible ASV(Ameria Standard Version)for iPad contains full text of the holy bible in English.

Holy Bible KJV(King James Version)HD
Holy Bible KJV(King James Version)for iPad contains full text of the bible in English for offline use.
Holy Bible(New English Translation)HD
Holy Bible(New English Translation)for iPad contains full text of Holy Bible for offline use.
Bible KJV (Books with Audio)HD
Holy Bible KJV (Books with Audio) for iPad.
Bible KJV (Book and Audio)
Bible KJV (Book and Audio)
Bible World English Version(Book and Audio)
Bible World English Version(Book and Audio)
Bible Douay-Rheims Version(Catholic)
Holy Bible Douay-Rheims Version(Catholic Version). 
Contains English version of Douay-Rheims Version Holy bible. It contains 73 books.
Bible Douay-Rheims Version(Christian)
Holy Bible Douay-Rheims Version(Christian Version).
Contains English version of Douay-Rheims Version Holy bible. It contains 66 books.

Bible in different languages

Библия(Ukrainian Bible)HD
Библия(Ukrainian Bible) for iPad. Holy bible in Ukrainian. 
Esperanto Bible (2 Versions)HD
Esperanto Bible (2 Versions) for iPad.Including 2 versions of Esperanto bible:
	*Esperanto Bible
	*Esperanto Bible - non diacritics
Sainte Bible(4 versions French bible)HD
Sainte Bible(4 versions French bible) for iPad. 
	Contains 4 versions of French bible:
	* Ostervald Bible
	* French Darby
	* French Martin
	* Louis Segond
Bibbia(Italian Bible Library)HD
Bibbia(Italian Bible Library) for iPad. Including:
	* Riveduta Bible
	* La Nuova Diodati
Biblia(5 Polish Bibles)HD
Biblia(5 Polish Bibles) for iPad. Including 5 bibles in Polish:
	Biblia(Polish Bible),
	Biblia Tysiąclecia,
	Biblia Warszawska,
	Biblia Warszawsko-Praska,
	Biblia Gdańska
BIBEL(Swedish Bible)HD
BIBEL(Swedish Bible) for iPad. Holy bible in Swedish.
Spanish Reina Valera:English Bible HD
Spanish Reina Valera/English Bibles for iPad.
	It contains 3 versions bibles:
	Spanish Reina Valera/English reference Bible. Spanish Reina Valera and English Holy bible displayed at the same screen. Best way to learn bible,Spanish and English at the same time.
	Standalone Reina Valera and English bible.
Библия (текст и аудио)(Russian audio Bible)HD
Библия (текст и аудио)(Russian audio Bible) for iPad.
	Both bible text and audio are in russian.
	читать и слушать Библию.
A Bíblia Sagrada (livros e áudio)(Portuguese Bible)HD
A Bíblia Sagrada (livros e áudio)(Portuguese Bible) for iPad.
	Including Portuguese bible books and audio.
Biblia Cornilescu(audio)(Romanian Bible)HD
Biblia Cornilescu(audio)(Romanian Bible) for iPad. Including Romanian bible books and audio.

Biblia Sacra Vulgata (Latin Vulgata Clementina)HD
Biblia Sacra Vulgata (Latin Vulgata Clementina) for iPad. Including Holy bible in Latin.
Biblia Sacra Vulgata (Latin Nova Vulgata)HD
Biblia Sacra Vulgata (Latin Nova Vulgata) for iPad.
	Latin: Nova Vulgata
	Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio
Santa Biblia Version Reina Valera (con audio)HD
Santa Biblia Version Reina Valera (con audio)(spanish bible with audio) for iPad.
	Contains the full text and audio (by real person) of popular Reina Valera version spanish bible for offline use.
La Bible(Louis Segond 1910)(avec audio)HD
French bible program contains all text and audio (read by real person) for offline use.
Bibelen(Danish Bible)HD
Bibelen(Danish Bible)for iPad.
	Bibelen (1933 års danske udgave)
German Bible(Elberfelder Bibel)HD
This application contains German Bible "Elberfelder Bibel" for iPad.
      Eines der besten Dinge über diese Bibel ist die Formatierung des Textes in die Absatz-und poetisch-Layouts. Poetische Abschnitte, wie Psalmen oder The Song of Solomon, werden als separate Zeilen poetische Verse. Rubriken wie Paul's Briefe, werden in einer Absatz-Format. Dies macht das Lesen Bibel einfacher als je zuvor.

日本聖書(Japanese Bible)HD
聖書(Japanese Bible)for iPad contains full text of Holy Bible in Japanese for offline use.

성 경 (Korean Bible)HD
성경 (Korean Bible)for iPad contains full text of Holy Bible in Korean for offine use.
A Bíblia Sagrada (Portuguese Bible)HD
A Bíblia Sagrada (Portuguese Bible)for iPad contains full text of holy bible for offline use.
Библия (Russian Bible)HD
Библия (Russian Bible)for iPad contains full text of Holy Bible in Russian for offline use.
Kinh Thanh(Vietnamese Bible)HD
Kinh Thanh(Vietnamese Bible)for iPad contains full text of Holy Bible in Vietnamese for offline use.
La Bible(Louis Segond 1910) French Bible(HD)
La Bible(Louis Segond 1910) French Bible for iPad contains full text of Holy Bible in French for offline use.
La Biblia Sagradas Escrituras (Spanish Bible)HD
La Biblia Sagradas Escrituras (Spanish Bible)for iPad contains full text of holy bible in spanish for offline use.
Español Santa Biblia (Spanish Modern Translation)HD
Español Santa Biblia (Spanish Modern Translation)for iPad contains full text for offline use.
La Biblia Reina Valera (Spanish Bible)HD
La Biblia Reina Valera (Spanish Bible)for iPad contains full text of the most popular version of Reina Valera for offline use.
الكتاب المقدس (Arabic bible)HD
الكتاب المقدس (Arabic bible) for iPad contains full text of the bible in Arabic for offline use.
Czech bible(3 versions)HD
Czech bible(3 versions) for iPad. Holy bible in Czech. Contains 3 popular versions:
	* Czech BKR Bible
	* Ekumenicka Bible
	* Czech CEP Bible 
bijbel(Dutch Bible)HD
bijbel(Dutch Bible) for iPad Including Dutch Staten Vertaling.
Pyha Raamattu(Finnish Bible)HD
Pyha Raamattu(Finnish Holy Bible) for iPad.
Βίβλος(άγια γραφή)(Greek Bible)HD
Βίβλος(άγια γραφή)(Greek Bible) for iPad. Holy bible in Greek. Combines Septuagint as old testament and Wescott-Hort as new testament.
Bibel(5 German bibles)HD
Bibel(5 German bibles) for iPad contains 5 versions of Holy bible in german. Including:
	* Schlachter Bible
	* Luther Bible
	* Elberfelder 1905 Bible
	* Luther 1545 Bible
	* Elberfelder 1871 Bible
התנ"ך (Modern Hebrew bible)HD
התנ"ך (Modern Hebrew bible) for iPad.  Holy bible in modern hebrew.
Bibelen(Norwegian Bible)HD
Bibelen(Norwegian Bible) for iPad.
	Version: Det Norsk Bibelselskap.
Bíblia(Portuguese Bible Collection)HD
Bíblia(Portuguese Bible Collection) for iPad .Bibles in Portuguese, Including:
	* Almeida Atualizada
	* Almeida Corrigida

Santa Biblia Version Reina Valera
Santa Biblia Version Reina Valera
	Spanish Holy Bible (Reina Valera).
	Application contains popular Reina Valera spanish bible.
Santa Biblia Version Reina Valera (con audio)
Santa Biblia Version Reina Valera (con audio)(spanish bible with audio)
La Bible(Louis Segond 1910)(avec audio)
La Bible(Louis Segond 1910)(avec audio)(French bible)
Βίβλος(άγια γραφή)(Greek Bible)
Βίβλος(άγια γραφή)(Greek Bible). Holy bible in Greek. Combines Septuagint as old testament and   Wescott-Hort as new testament.
Czech bible(3 versions)
Czech bible(3 versions). Holy bible in Czech. Contains 3 popular versions:
	* Czech BKR Bible
	* Ekumenicka Bible
	* Czech CEP Bible
Библия (Ukrainian Holy Bible)
Библия (Ukrainian Bible). Holy bible in Ukrainian.
Esperanto Bible (2 Versions)
Esperanto Bible (2 Versions).Including 2 versions of Esperanto bible:
	*Esperanto Bible
	*Esperanto Bible - non diacritics
Piibel(Estonian Bible)
Piibel(Estonian Bible). Holy bible in Estonian.
Sainte Bible(French bible collection)
Sainte Bible(French bible collection). Contains 4 versions of French bible:
	* Ostervald Bible
	* French Darby
	* French Martin
	* Louis Segond
Bibel(German bible collection)
Bibel(German bible collection). Holy bible in german collection. Including:
	* Schlachter Bible
	* Luther Bible 1912
	* Elberfelder 1905 Bible
	* Luther 1545 Bible
	* Elberfelder 1871 Bible
Pyha Raamattu(Finnish Bible)
Pyha Raamattu(Finnish Bible). Holy bible in Finnish.
bijbel(Dutch Bible)
bijbel(Dutch Bible). Including Dutch Staten Vertaling.
Indian Bible Collection
Indian Bible Collection. Including 3 bibles:
	* Hindi Bible
	* Tamil Bible
	* Malayalam Bible
Bibbia(Italian Bible Collection)
Bibbia(Italian Bible Collection). Including:
	* Riveduta Bible
	* La Nuova Diodati
Bibelen(Norwegian Bible)
Bibelen(Norwegian Bible).
	Version: Det Norsk Bibelselskap.
Biblia(Filipino Bible Collection)
Biblia(Filipino Bible Collection). Including 2 versions of bible:
	* Ang Dating Biblia
	* Cebuano Bugna Bible
Biblia(Polish Bible Collection)
Biblia(Polish Bible). Holy bible in Polish. Including 5 bibles in Polish:
	Biblia(Polish Bible),
	Biblia Tysiąclecia,
	Biblia Warszawska,
	Biblia Warszawsko-Praska,
	Biblia Gdańska
Bíblia(Portuguese Bible Collection)
Bíblia(Portuguese Bible Collection).Bibles in Portuguese, Including:
	* Almeida Atualizada
	* Almeida Corrigida
BIBEL(Swedish Bible)
BIBEL(Swedish Bible). Holy bible in Swedish.
Biblia (Romanian bible collection)
Biblia (Romanian bible collection). Contains 3 versions of holy bible in Romanian:
	* Biblia Cornilescu 
	* Biblia Cornilescu plus 
	* Biblia Cornilescu - fara diacritice
Spanish(Reina Valera)/English reference Bible
Spanish Reina Valera/English reference Bible. Spanish Reina Valera and English Holy bible displayed at the same screen. Best way to learn bible,Spanish and English at the same time.
Библия (текст и аудио)(audio)(Russian Bible)
Библия (текст и аудио)(Russian Bible). Both bible text and audio are in russian.
	читать и слушать Библию.
A Bíblia Sagrada (livros e áudio)(Portuguese Bible)
A Bíblia Sagrada (livros e áudio)(Portuguese Bible). Including Portuguese bible books and audio.
Biblia Cornilescu(audio)(Romanian Bible)
Biblia Cornilescu(audio)(Romanian Bible). Including Romanian bible books and audio.
Pyha Raamattu(kirjat ja ääni)(Finnish Bible)
Pyha Raamattu(kirjat ja ääni)(Finnish Bible). Including bible books and audio in Finnish.
Biblia Sacra Vulgata (Latin Vulgata Clementina)
Biblia Sacra Vulgata (Latin Vulgata Clementina). Including Holy bible in Latin.
Biblia Sacra Vulgata (Latin Nova Vulgata)
Biblia Sacra Vulgata (Latin Nova Vulgata). 
	Latin: Nova Vulgata
	Nova Vulgata
	Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio
الكتاب المقدس (Arabic bible)
الكتاب المقدس (Arabic bible). Including bible in Arabic language.
התנ"ך (Modern Hebrew bible)
התנ"ך (Modern Hebrew bible). Holy bible in modern hebrew.
Alkitab (Indonesian bible Library)
Alkitab (Indonesian bible Library). Including 3 versions of bible in Indonesian:
	* Indonesian Bible Translation (Bahasa Indonesia Seharihari)
	* Indonesian Bible Translation (Terjemahan Baru)
	* Indonesian Bible Translation (Terjemahan Lama)
성경(Holy bible in Korean)
성경(Holy bible in Korean).